Saturday, July 23, 2016


Great news!

Victor Bruhn has recently posted on Atari-Forum and kindly donated the full/registered version of his 1994 Atari STe shareware game, Winglord. This is based on the awesome Joust arcade game, of course, and features support for one or two players - either human or computer - and a few other neat features you aren't expecting.

Everyone knows Joust and Winglord is very similar in gameplay. The jousters will now enter the arena via sliding ceiling doors so it's a good idea to remain high and use Mister Ed to best your opponent. We are now equipped with missiles and the Atari STe is utilised for fast Blitted graphics and DMA sound effects.

Make sure you read the documentation because it includes handy tips along with instructions for adjusting flap power to finetune control and handling to your own preference.

Winglord might not look as pretty as Joust but the gameplay is furiously frantic and comes with a few nice "STe" bells and whistles to set it aside from the original, whilst remaining as faithful as it possibly can be. It's hard to believe this was once shareware and not commercial because Winglord is downright fantastic. Top marks!!

I also have a backup copy on my own Dropbox. Yup, I take no chances with quality ST games :)

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