Animals = Protein
Hello and welcome to the second part of my Cosmos Chronicles adventure. If you
missed it, you can read part one by
clicking here. To recap, we have witnessed the remainder of our family murdered!
Thankfully, our uncle managed to pass on vital information before biting the
dust - to the north is a man with a wicked sense of humour and information. I
wanted more but he's a stubborn old g*t so I left, slaughtered his animals,
and headed to my spaceship.
Yes, you heard me correctly - gather your food by killing bunny rabbits and other cute creatures. YUM!
Wait, did you listen to Cepece? I hope so because your first task is to seek
somebody called Grostonton, on a space station outpost. Until you have found
him, the adventure cannot begin because your spaceship is quite crippled and
restricted to the solar system. You should seek him to see what all the fuss
is about. So hop into your spaceship!
When aboard, a robotic assistant called Wilson appears for a chat. At this
stage, he has little to say so have a wander about. There are many different
stations; it's overwhelming and quite a Sundog moment with a hefty learning
curve. Each part of the ship has a unique function - which will eventually
require care, repair, and maintenance.
I plan to cover this in part three because it is a complex moment. Until then,
have a play with your spaceship; get a feel for it. Here are some screenshots
from today's slice of the adventure. I'll see you soon for part three :-)

"Old Cepece" ... I think... means "old man". And he is just that!
(Sadly, there's no way to interact with cupboards/etc to search for items)
I'm onboard Dad's old spaceship. It's called Cosmos and it's all mine!!
(the circled tiles represent each of the ship's different functions)
Having seen my family murdered, I was feeling... nervous. Thankfully, I found a toilet!
(hey, don't blame me for my typically British sense of humour!)
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Hey, leave a name so I’m not talking to anonymous:) /|\