Showing posts with label Quest - RPG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quest - RPG. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2024

Dungeon Adventure

Ransacking another dungeon

I seem to have a peculiar knack for finding obscure ST games unknown to most. Some of which I have already featured here, like Dungeon, Minefield, Mole Mayhem, and Blob Race. It's this silliness that I love about the Atari ST because, no matter how much time passes, this computer amazes me. Which is why I'm still typing my drivel that nobody reads.

Continuing this tradition, here we have an RPG crawler called Dungeon Adventure. Such an original title, I'm sure you'll agree? It was released in 1988 by John Kinkead of Aces High Software but I couldn't find much information online. So, let's assume we're a plucky adventurer who loves exploring dark places for treasure? Works for me.

Okay, let's check out a couple of random screenshots and remember, this is not a commercial game...

Oh no, a goblin! There is only one option - let's kill him!!

Lights are beginning to dim and I then accidentally triggered a teleporter.

First things first

Create a character using the automated stats roll and name him/her wisely. Or not. There are six races - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Hobbit, or 'other' and each needs to be assigned a class - fighter, mage, ranger, thief, cleric, and healer. Now clothe, arm, and stock your pockets with food and torches before heading out to one of the five dungeons. Each is tricky but can reward careful explorers with treasure, magic, food, and more (the more part is lots of ghoulish battles).

It's now that I should advise a few pointers. One, roll well. Two, don't waste cash on items that you think are the best (weapons or armour). Three, you easily get hungry. Four, it's dark down there and torches burn out very quickly.

Okay, once inside your first dungeon, you shall soon discover that it's filled with many traps and scary monsters at each turn. Use the cursor keys to control our plucky (foolish) adventurer and whenever he encounters a beast, the computer takes over with a new set of options - [A]attack, [C]cast a spell, [R]run away or attempt to [T]talk. Once the battle is over, assuming you're still alive, then you can carry on exploring in fear of what might happen next. Which won't be long!

There are quite a few keys used, similar to Apshai. The save game option is of high importance which, I discovered the hard way (as usual) but there are other keys used to heal, cast spells, eat food and much more:

Stats - The 'Y' key displays your man's attributes along with the number of potions, spells, etc.
Light - It gets dark in the dungeon real quick so tap the 'U' key to use a torch.
Items - When you stumble upon something, the 'G' key gets it and adds it to your inventory.
Stairs - I've only found stairs when I've completed a level. Just hit 'K' to climb!
Food - When you get hungry just press 'E' to eat from your stock of goodies.
Drink - Like with food, pressing the 'D' key drinks those cool potions you've found.
Scrolls - Press 'R' to read any scrolls, if applicable.
Magic - Spell casters can hit 'C' to cast their spells.
Health - Struggling with an injury then his 'H' to heal, if applicable.
Saving - Highly recommended to use this feature! The 'S' key saves and 'L' key loads.
Others - F1 restarts / F2 returns to the main menu / F3 will exit to the desktop.

Right then, I'm making this sound more complex than it is, so let's break things up with a couple of screenshots...

Sometimes it's best to run away from a fight. If you can that is, as it's not always possible.

This room is so unfair because traps are everywhere - like these falling rocks!

Oi, come back!

Please, ignore the crude visuals because it's never boring exploring a dungeon and this one is particularly easy to get into from the start. Of course, it soon delivers more than enough challenges to test our nerves. Each dungeon is different but also with enough familiarity of what to expect. So it's not long until one of two things happens...

Battles - a confrontation happens often with enemies appearing from out of the darkness without any prior warning. That's right, you won't see any thing approaching from the corner of a room - they simply appear (which is disappointing compared to Rogue). This puts you into battle mode that follows a series of turns and your performance depends on strength along with other attributes like your agility, dexterity, and weaponry.

Traps - triggering a hidden trap is a characteristic of Dungeon Adventure that you will need to endure. Sadly, there is no ability to search for what might possibly be lurking nearby so traps are found only by foolishly walking into them. This system feels unmerited, like you're exploring blindly just waiting for a hit to your HP (and pride!)

Any explorer continues the fight and carries on regardless, so I've heard. Determined players will source many items to help the good fight, be it spells, potions, and much more. Treasure chests are always worth opening and are often located in secret areas that can only be found by uncovering hidden passages. It always pays to investigate everywhere.

However, the dungeon is a dark and dangerous place which means you need a load of torches and picnic food. Torches do not last very long at all so you may wish to stockpile those! Nutrition and health are replenished with the foods you find and eat. Health comes from spellcasting or using the healing function, if applicable to that character.

This is actually a bigger game than you might first assume. I first imagined a poor clone of Rogue, but it plays well and feels designed more for action whilst just happening to look roguelike. Yep, everything feels centred around the battles - which happen constantly. Hey, if you think that you can create a better game then there is an editor to try?

I'm genuinely having a blast playing something new (new to me). Hey, guess what? It is screenshot time...

Hang on, that door appears to lead to a dead end!! Or is there a secret passageway?

Four options are available during any skirmish but I doubt talking will help here?


Compared to similar (albeit commercial) games, this is lame with bland 8-bit visuals that embarrass the Atari ST. Its design feels cramped with a small gameplay window leaving much of the screen unused. Well, don't be fooled, because those areas are used for statistical information and notifications - triggered traps, poison arrows, falling rocks, etc.

The sprites are usually the best part of rogue games but Dungeon Adventure is lacking somewhat. In fact, many enemies are pretty crude without any detail and look as if I've drawn them! However, I'll contradict myself because it oddly, works well and I have no idea why. My favourite creature is the troll - who looks like he has measles. I love that drawing!

The audio side of things begins well - thanks to a title screen chiptune but, there is little else afterwards. The sound effects are basically a tapping sound during a battle with a "Burr-Burr" when you are victorious. Oh, there's another chiptune when the Grim Reaper shows up! Hey, games like this need no booming sfx so I'll stop moaning.

We're nearly at the end, so do you fancy a couple of screenshots before the gripping conclusion? I hope so...

Hitting the 'Y' key reveals your character's statistics. Along with keys, scrolls, etc.

Why waste time in combat when you can cast a spell? Repel Monster killed this sucka!

The CryptO'pinion?

This isn't a big game, but it feels like a much larger adventurer. This is basically because you cannot walk for more than a dozen steps without something popping up for a fight. Or maybe you've fallen into a hidden trap - as there is no way to search. Plus some are located in tight corridors without a way to avoid them. Also, our adventurer has a ravenous appetite so constantly scoffing. Additionally, he easily burns through his supply of torches that never last long.

So, umm, Dungeon Adventure feels quite unbalanced with some peculiar mechanics. However, we must remember that it isn't commercial, and is quite a decent game in its own right. Each dungeon is varied with an abundance of predictable hazardousness waiting for you. And I loved that aspect a bunch and thoroughly enjoyed playing.

You know, I love finding something new (to me) and whilst Dungeon Adventure is far from perfect, it's certainly enjoyable. Gameplay is tough but, successfully beating the odds and making it to the next level, is most rewarding. However, casual gamers beware as this is probably only for determined and hardened fans of the genre.

Bearing in mind that this is something of a doomed #roguelike wannabe, I'm scoring it a plucky 64%.

Fearless adventurers should download this game from Atarimania. Here are some more glorious screenshots...

Blood Seekers sound cool, but they are actually dead easy to kill!

I guess the whole point of the game is to find the gem & exit? Well, I did that... WooHoo!!

My name is Steve and I'm an... 'other'. Today's world will view that as perfectly normal lol.

The editor is superb. Either create your own or edit the current levels.

This is the game over screen and something we dread seeing. And it's blummin' ugly!

Thursday, August 03, 2023

Cosmos Chronicles

Gamopat goodness!

It's always exciting to hear of new games being released for our amazing Atari ST/e. Sadly, it always feels that other vintage computers get the support that our 16-bit fuji lacks (hey, whatever happened to AGT). Anyhow, I've been following the Cosmos Chronicles on/off for many moons but it's originally a French Gamopat game - that means I understood now't as I know little beyond "bonjour" and "jeu"! So I eagerly awaited an English version I could playtest.

Well, you knew this was coming... Wait no more, the international edition of Cosmos Chronicles is finally out. It's beta v0.95 so may feature a few problems in translation - but that's nothing your feedback cannot fix! I've played a little after work today and I must say it's impressive. You might say it's Ultima-impressive so very much worth the wait!!

The game was coded in GFA Basic, a tool that never ceases to impress. The full credits are:
    Programming: Laurent Fontaine [Dr. Floyd]
    Music: Nic Alderton [Count Zero]
    Sound effects: Laurent Fontaine [Dr. Floyd]
    Visuals: Laurent Fontaine [Dr. Floyd] & Francois Pino [Grostonton]

Wanna see a couple of screenshots about the background story? Yeah, come on and gander at these babies...

It's a bit "empty" and soulless I thought. Are you still interested?

I'd say so! This is a strange baseline but carry on scrolling...

Frontier, Ultima, Sundog, whaaaaat?

Personally, I instantly got that Ultima V vibe, which is excellent! However, there is more to this game than first meets the eye. Roguelike comes to the Atari ST yet again and what's more, it looks the part with a style I love. Yes, it does draw heavily on the imagination but that's the best way - I don't want anything "better" as this would bloat and spoil the whole experience. Also, I cannot help but mention the audio surprise when first booting up - thank you Count Zero!!

Okay, guys, this #rpg release is completely free to download. However, please consider contributing a little of your hard-earned cash to help support Dr Floyd/Gamopat for all the hard graft that's obviously gone into the production of this tremendous game. I truly mean this, because the game is very promising!! I'm hugely excited about it :)

Here is the download link with a copy & paste of the basics along with some of my fabulous screenshots...

The whole universe in your ATARI ST: 200 billion galaxies, hundreds of billions of stars and planets in each galaxy (*), the possibility of visiting every patch of grass or rock on every planet, houses, caves, the ultimate open world. The ability to eat, drink, poop, shower, repair your ship, booze in the pub, fight in arenas, play in casinos and arcades, pray to the Gods, buy condoms, go on space trips, slalom between asteroids, see things no one has ever seen at the edge of space, to infinity and beyond.

The uncompromising #ROGUELIKE
- Persistent universe
- You only have one true life
- There's no going back. You die, it's over... just like in real life ;)
A combined tribute to the following
- ULTIMA IV and V, for gameplay & visual rendering (which draws heavily on the imagination)
- ELITE and ELITE FRONTIER (for the open world and space trading)
- SUNDOG (for futuristic adventure and numerous gameplay possibilities/interactions)
Atari computer compatibility
- ATARI STE (supports Blitter)
- ATARI TT (a little fast)
- FALCON 030 (too fast?)

So, first things first, we need to seek out the farm as there's trouble afoot!

As you can see, these aren't friendly soldiers at all and kill your family.

Look inside the house for a weapon and let's kick their arse!

The English breaks up a little in places but you get the general gist. Hey, check out that rabbit!

The family are slain but there's no time to mourn as we go looking for anything useful.

Yeah, I found a cave and hoped for treasure but all I found were demons!

Friday, March 31, 2023

Sword Of Kadash (part three)

Phew, what an adventure!

Well, I've finally done it. I've completed Sword Of Kadash... I think! (don't ask, just carry on reading to the end). When I first started, I genuinely thought that I would be playing for months due to its sheer size and also the fact that I wanted to painstakingly map it. Yet here we are with the third article and the game is finished and mapped.

You know, I have really enjoyed it too because this is a mapper's delight with a wealth of integrated rooms, secret routes, puzzles, hidden rooms and tons of hideous monsters to kill. The map design is very interesting and I like its style. However, it's not all good news as there are a few quirks and peculiar differences I didn't expect.

Before I begin, this is the third part of a mini-series. Have you read the innocence of Part One or the enthusiasm in Part Two? No, I didn't think so! Okay, click on those two links to get an idea of the pain and pleasure I have endured over recent weeks. Go on, both links open up in new browser windows and I'll be waiting here for when you get back.

While waiting for y'all to return, I shall enjoy dumping a couple of funky screenshots below...

I see the devil with horns and beady eyes staring at me! What do you see?
Interestingly, the room just to the south of this location is a formidable part of the maze design!

These little gremlins are weak but very difficult to shoot!!

Back to basics

Okay, because you've clicked the above two links, we all know the story and what's generally involved so let's continue on rather than starting afresh. Unlike many ARPGs, this begins the same each and every time: we start at the entrance of the caverns with a dagger, 2000 hit points (health), armour and fear spells. So, that means we're a dude without a choice of race, personality, skillset or attributes. Still interested? I know, I know, but you should be so read on!

Let's begin with the controls as there are three methods used to guide our little hero and this seems to have confused some YouTubers. The joystick is by far the best method (the keyboard felt unnatural and the mouse is nothing less than a nightmare). So, just press CTRL J to change from the default to the joystick when you first begin your quest. You are able to move (and shoot) in all directions, including diagonally. To shoot, press and hold the fire button and then 'move' in the direction you wish to aim. Oh, and hitting the spacebar activates your one and only magical spell.

Wanna see a couple of really annoying screens that made no sense? Of course, you do so here you go...

Trust me, unless you use the fear spell you have no chance of killing them without getting hurt.

One of the final rooms and it's stuffed with cursed items. Yep, every single item is cursed and there is no way (that I know of) to get around them. Thankfully, if you go back a couple of screens, there is a symbol/cross that can help.

The quest awaits!

I feel I should begin with a little piece of advice for newcomers - when you are about to begin, do not head north without checking out that tree. It's also worth heading back, southward, to find better weapons. Now head north into the fortress where there are a couple of ghosts and bats before stumbling upon a scroll - leave that be as it will come in handy if/when you get cursed. Next, head west for a room of scorpions, thus lots of xp for the killing. There is also a chest, and extra xp, but don't leave without searching for the secret passage that leads to a different room - with a sword!

Yes, items are a big deal in this dungeon and they are also a bit of an oddity. You will frequently find weapons and armour along with others like chests and keys. Collecting anything increases xp but you cannot use the keys as there is nothing to unlock. Nor can you plunder a chest as it's just a chest that does nothing more than increase experience. So, more often than not, the item you're collecting isn't for a particular usage - it's to gain xp and the benefits of that.

However, a selection of items is cursed which severely hampers ability and performance. Only two types of items can help cure you - the symbol cross and magical scrolls. However, this is where the game reveals its truly insidious personality because there is a chance that those might also be cursed. Cruel, very cruel!! So why not make notes? :)

Along the way, there are weird messages which are blatant and helpful. But not in these two screenshots...

I love how the designers left silly drawings and messages (Damon Slye)

The Pit is a disastrous moment but there is a hidden area to hide, but I wasn't quick enough!


The cruelty doesn't end with cursed items because the dungeon is host to a myriad of different traps and, just about everything will trigger something nasty. Heck, you may do nothing more than simply walk into a new room - and BAM!! Lots of arrows begin hurtling towards you. Most of the traps are triggered whenever you collect an item which is weird because you soon become cagey whenever you see something that might be worth picking up.

Many triggered traps are a lot worse and some can fill the room with a bunch of materialised monsters! Not only that but some are super strong and cannot be killed - so run! Lastly, there are a few which truly are game-enders: the boulders that appear from nowhere, rumbling down a corridor to block you in with crushing force! Did you save the game?

It's insane how many traps there are!! Never have I played any game that comes close to this...

Picking up an item and suddenly the screen is full of Mr T's - but one is stuck in the wall lol

This is one of only two puzzles/traps that take serious thought (relates to the 'devil' screenshot - above)


As I said in the previous article, walls sure play a big part in this adventure. I know that's a weird thing to say as most are just, erm, walls but it depends on their colour. The blue ones can be destroyed thus aiding your journey with a new pathway. Sometimes these can help to provide a tactical vantage when shooting the baddies who are unable to reach you. Green walls will repel all your shots which is actually a great mechanic that works very well in battle.

Also, there are invisible walls that are a pain to navigate - there is still one screen which I've not managed to figure out. Heck, other rooms are made entirely from a maze of hidden walls and take, what feels like a lifetime, to suss out! Finally, there are secret walls that are revealed when you walk into it at the right point. However, some need to be shot first - it was only because of my map that I could see the potential routes to many hidden rooms that I might have missed.

So, it can be a bit inconsistent. Which I personally feel means that it was always designed for the gamer to create a basic map with notes. Annoyingly, there is still one room that I never managed to discover how to enter! Which is infuriating for an adventure like me who leaves no stone unturned. Gotta admit defeat now and then, I guess?

Well, I've talked enough about walls so let's see a couple of different screenshots...

Towards the end, some rooms had little fair play element - all items here are cursed! Why???

Oh no, a Lich. This guy is one tough cookie so be quick and deadly in your attack!

Armed to the teeth

Oddly, weaponry felt like an after-through as there are only four: dagger, morning star, axe and sword (all can be augmented magically to a max of +4 for extra damage). Battles are fought only by a range method, regardless of what you are carrying, and there is no actual melee or magic. Also, each weapon is expressed as an arrow and can only be fired in a series of three shots. Of course, you can fire again once they have expired or hit their intended foe.
About magic: there is one spell but it's not offensive and more of a fear spell. When used, all monsters will scarper, thus making it easier to kill them or for us to run away. This effect doesn't last too long but it certainly helps when there are loads of monsters. Use these wisely!
Don't worry about encumberment or inventory because there is no ability to look over your stock or play with your equipment. Whatever you collect is added to your xp with the potential to level up, thus increasing hit points (excluding cursed items). Weaponry will add to your xp but will only be used if it's better than what you already carry.

Right then, I think it's time for some tricky trappy screenshots...

Spiders spring out from the trap and are really tough in this dungeon. Hey, two swords? Beware!

This is the other puzzle that takes some serious thought. Looks easy, right? Hmm...


Being an action game, you won't tread for more than a few steps without having to kill something beastly ranging from ghouls, ghosts, bats, snakes, barbarians, spectres and more all the way up to the Liches. Those guys are very tough and can even spawn other monsters into the arena so step lively. Each enemy has a number of hit points before dying, not that there's any information about that to possibly complicate the already near-non-existent RPG aspect.

It's all a case of keep firing and, if they're strong and still chasing - run away. Now, fire some more shots and start hoping for the best! Of course, touching any will drain them of their hit points, but, at the expense of yours too.

However, all enemies are a bit daft and follow a basic pathway to get you, which often means struggling to navigate around objects. Sometimes that's a good thing as you can tempt them out from another part of the room, one by one. Thus making the overall battle easier albeit rather disappointing in other respects. Learn to manage the hoard.

The next screenshots are from the final rooms that only dedicated players will see (ha!)...

We're nearing the end of our quest. This is Aladag, the dragon guarding the sword.

It's possible to sneak by Aladag to grab the Sword Of Kadash (it looks like a banana!)


I was never going to boot up this old game and expect glorious visuals. It was developed around 1984 so I would be a fool to judge it based on what the Atari ST is actually capable of. The graphics are pretty much what I experienced with my old ZX Spectrum and use a basic design with lots of repeating red brick walls and black backgrounds.

Visually, the monsters are the best part and we get to slaughter a varied and whacky crew. Yes, they're quite poorly drawn compared to Rogue but I love how amateur their movements and animations are - they wobble across the screen. The gremlins are my favourite, small and made from very few pixels yet they still manage to look great.
Sadly, the framerate drops badly when dozens of baddies are persuing. It's a shame as it affects the final rooms heavily. But, something I can forgive for such an ancient release for the (then) new Atari ST.

The audio is almost zilch with no music and few sound effects. What you hear is mostly from your weaponry or when coming into contact with nasties. That's about it. Oh, a little jingle plays when the Lich appears! This is an incredibly short tune but is eerie and works surprisingly well. Otherwise, the entire game is silent without any distractions.

Okay, it's screenshot time again and here we have two sets of enemies that are badass...

I think this monster is called the Mukra, a Jason Voorhees wannabe who is very tough.

Wraiths are incredibly mean and move quickly. So, unless you're armed well ... forget it!

The map!

So the moment you have all (?) been waiting for... the map! My task to complete this game was a very enjoyable and addictive pleasure. However, the ending rooms are a disappointment in comparison to the rest of the entire game.
When at the end, the idea is to kill the dragon Aladag who is guarding the Sword Of Kadash. But there is a hidden passage north of his location, so you can skirt around and pinch the sword. A greeting then appears (the last screenshot below) but the game does not end. In fact, there are a couple more (pointless) rooms to explore, which doesn't make any sense as they are dead ends. So, armed with the Sword Of Kadash, I went back to kill Aladag and, once again, the greeting appeared but it still doesn't end. How odd!!
Rather an anti-climax but I won't let that spoil my memories of what is nothing less than a superb oldskool shooter. As always, the image below is a thumbnail, so click on it to download the high-resolution version. Or zip over to Atari Legend who is kindly hosting a similar version. Anyhow, I hope you guys enjoy using the map??

Carry on scrolling for my final thoughts on Sword Of Kadash...

Greetings to PP for helping me out with a better version of the game and also to Maarten for hosting.

The CryptO'pinion?

I'm sure you can tell how much I have enjoyed playing this? Not only writing the three articles but the mapping was an absolute pleasure and one that enhanced my experience greatly. I've honestly loved every second of the adventure albeit not the RPG that I imagined. In fact, those basic elements are diluted into the background so it has little depth. I would say it's more of an action/shooter with an emphasis on the freedom to roam without following a linear path.

My grumbles are minor, the combat system is limited as each weapon feels the same and there isn't any support for melee at all. Also, the cursed items are a pain in the bum because there are only two types of objects (for a cure). That is very restricting and I would have liked magic to have included the side benefit of dispelling curses too.

Anyhow, if you're in the mood for an alternative "roguelike" then this could be everything you desire. The dungeon is massive, with monsters at every turn, secret passages, and lots of infuriating traps! Just remember to save regularly and make notes. Of course, I have made a map (marking all cursed items) so you could use that as a guide?

Sword Of Kadash is humble and feels old so hasn't aged well but the gameplay is well-balanced throughout and that is something I thoroughly appreciated. I hope you ignore the bland aesthetics and take on board the challenge!!

The best download has just been updated for hard drive and the older floppies are right here.

After all the trial and tribulation, this is the finale. But then it carries on - to a dead end! Bugged?

Friday, December 03, 2021

Galdregon's Domain (part one)

Hello ST world, it's been a while!

Let me begin by thanking my ST buddies, from all over the world, who sent messages the last few months. And cheers to those who bought me a beer!! It's been rough but I'm glad to begin my journey back into the glorious lands of Atari ST. Actually, my computer is looking quite sad and in need of a good clean, the poor thing.

Okay, dragging me back - kicking and screaming for luscious ST pleasure - is something that I bought years ago. For months it's been on my ST shelf whispering subliminal messages like, "Psst, check me out!", "Hey you, come over here and play", "Stevie, I'm here and ready for action", "Boot me up, baby". Erm, anyhow you get the picture!

Galdregon's Domain is the temptress and first appears as something of a Dungeon Master, which is never a bad thing. It's the product of Pandora and coded by Steve Briggs, who I've not heard of so perhaps this was his one and only ST venture? The graphics are stunning. Gorgeous and scenic with beautifully-drawn monsters and characters by Robin Chapman, Martin Severn and Martin Godbeer. Mike Brown provided the samples for the sound effects - used for creeky doors to frightening screams emitting distant places. A lot of love went into the aesthetics of this adventure game.

Weirdly, the box art is rather - suspect - but I've covered this before and it's always worth a laugh at Pandora's take on Conan. Inside the box, are three disks, (why would I wanna use those when the Automation boys have a belting one-disk version!), a rather flimsy manual, and a few sheets of A4 paper.

Hang on, did I say A4 paper? Yep, to my fascination, the original owner has fully mapped the opening stage along with some of the forest areas. I absolutely love finding snippets of ST history like this!!! I wonder who he was? Did he stay up each night carefully crawling and drawing the dungeon with each and every step? Did he complete the game? Are you sitting there right now and thinking to yourself, "Hey, I did that". If so - please, get in touch using the comments below.

Okay, I bet that you're all dying to see these maps? All you need to do is scroll down a little...

This part is an overall view of the area. Let's go to that pub!!

Drilling deeper into specific areas now. I can scan these if anyone is interested?

So what's the plan?

I love getting enthralled in a new world where I can enjoy adventure, lore, and exploration. There's nothing better than discovering places, solving quests and fighting hideous monsters with a giant sword. Heck, I might even make a few friends in the local tavern? Who knows, this little-known game by Pandora might actually be something special?

So, I shall take a stab at conquering Galdregon's Doman. It appears what I'm longing for; a mix of RPG, adventure, and action. It should quench my cravings for a decent return to the Atari ST? Yes, I know I could have booted up Dungeon Master, Shadowlands, The Temple of Apshai Trilogy, The Curse of Rabenstein, etc... but I crave something new (to me).

Let's take a gander through a few screenshots taken from my first play. Check out these visuals...

Okay, here's the starting screen and the King is asking for our help.
His loyal subjects appear for a chinwag. I wonder what pearls of wisdom they possess?
The user interface is good to use for interaction and easy movements.
The only thing that's a little weird is the use of a scroller for chat and messages...

Anyhow, I went for a wander and came upon this little filly! I think she's hungry?

I've no time to eat so onwards I go and meet up with a guard. He seems nice!

I'm lost but it isn't long until two dolly birds help me out. I think they're twins!!

At last, the exit!! But the doorway is locked... how can I open it? Hmm...

Outside, I'm free to wander the lands. The weather is lovely and the king has a grand castle.

Oh great, the first place I found and it's haunted!! But wait, this ghost needs our help for a quest.

First impressions?

Galdregon's Domain looks very promising. Its world is incredibly diverse and takes place over a ginormous region. Plus the freedom to openly explore is daunting and compelling to an old adventurer like me.

So far, I've been attacked by soldiers, bitten by wolves, sent on a fruitless mission by a ghost, and chased out of a temple by a gang of cultists. Of course, I didn't last long, but it was only my first attempt(s). Perhaps I should look to clothe myself in armour and yield better weapons?

Yes, folks, exciting times are afoot and I will enjoy slaying monsters and pillaging their rotting corpses. I wonder what other monsters and dark secrets are waiting to be discovered? I'm sure this will be exciting. So, have you played it? What did you think? I'll be interested to hear your thoughts. Watch this space for the second part of this review coming "soon".

Merry Christmas everyone and all the best for 2022. STay Atari.