Friday, July 28, 2023
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
My ST shelves!
A peep into the inner Crypt
A long time ago, I had an ST shelf. I was happy man. I proudly displayed my gorgeous ST gear to, well, myself. However, along came a woman who wanted to redecorate and the idea of having an old games shelf in our bedroom didn't fit with her plans. Not having a backbone, I obliged and endured a shelf-less life.
Those dark days have finally ended!! How or why I've no idea but, I've been granted an opportunity to display my prize positions again. I admit, my corner of the bedroom is hardly a man cave, but it will suffice. I love my shelves but I've been ordered to keep 'em dust-free! But I'm a bloke which means I don't do housework!!
I'm wondering how long to wait before putting up posters. I'm talking Vixen, Game Over, and Barbarian! Yeah, I'm only joking but isn't it funny that something like an ST shelf can make a grown man happy?
Anyhow, wanna see photos...

The same shelf, different angel - I'm getting creative. Here you can see two fantastic new products.
Monday, July 01, 2019
Dark Mode
Wednesday, September 05, 2018
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
The One (magazine)
Thursday, March 08, 2018
Games I hate!!
1) Lemmings is a game everybody went crazy for but I couldn't find any joy in herding those docile and idiotic critters. A few screens in, I would soon discover that I had no tolerance for their stupidity and thus, found it irritating. Instead, I would deliberately watch them plummet to their death or explode. Now, that was fun!!2) Next is a conversion of the monster arcade hit, Hard Drivin'. This sure looks the part with its fancy polygons and whacky stunts enticing you to try your luck. However, it never goes to plan for me as I cannot steer the car in anything that resembles a straight line. In fact, I drive and corner worse than a drunk Stevie Wonder.3) Next is Strider, a game I saw in ST Format and it looked amazing. They gave it a glowing review so I went out and spent all my pennies. Well, I certainly won't be giving it a glowing review because I cannot stand this platformer for more than a few minutes - without throwing down the joystick!! A terrible Tiertex port.(UPDATE) < < < < <4) Yolanda is a platformer that I've always thought was curiously interesting. The sprites are superb and it has a funny title screen so I've often wondered if it played as well as it looked? Well, this is my experience:
Start the game... Wonder what to do. Die. Start again... Run left. Die. Start the game again... Run right. Die. Start for yet another go... Panic. Die. Reboot the Atari ST as that's all there is to it!!
Wednesday, February 07, 2018
Atari ST friends
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Cuddly Demos by The Carebears
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Master CAD
With little guidance, I continued the best I could. Don't laugh, but I had foolish plans to map of Doom's E1M1. I've no idea why, I just did. However, it was clear that MichTron wrote this manual for the established designer. Not somebody like me. I soon got to that stage where I wanted to pull out all my hair!!
Do you want to see how badly Master CAD affected me?
Thursday, September 17, 2015
App appreciation day
Sadly, I am guilty of this sin. For me, it's called FastCopy (Pro) by Martin Backchat. This is an iconic copier/formatter for the Atari ST. In fact, you will be hard-pressed to find anyone who didn't/doesn't use this funky program? I think every ST owner has a copy of this on their computer?
- A brilliant backup tool.
- Essential formatting options.
- Actually, very smart formatting. Woo!!
- Nifty virus prevention.
- Can run either as a PRG or an ACC.
I format all my disks using Fastcopy Pro. It never lets me down (touches wooden head). and I've used it since the 80s. How cool is that! So, dear FastCopy, I promise to start being nice to you appreciating your commitment to ST floppies. Greetings to Mr Backschat for making such an awesome Atari ST program.