A new Atari ST book
I know, I know, I'm late to this party - a brand new book by none other than Karl Morris to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the Atari ST. A flabbergasting 50 games are featured along with segments for point & click games, Jeff Minter, how to emulate an ST, YM2149 chip. Oh, and I particularly enjoyed the Ad Breaks.
Karl begins with a heartwarming dedication to the passing of his friend and fellow Atarian, Curt Vendel. The introduction then begins to offer extraordinary insight into the entire era of just what makes the Atari ST everything we love: from its early years to the people, events, stories, hardware, technology, and specifications. I found this to be a fascinating glimpse into the mid-80s and something that I'll probably read several times over the years—that's higher praise than you think as I'm no book worm!!
Wanna see what I'm talking about? Of course, you do so here is a photo of the page with Atari ST specs...
Arghh, somebody's broken up my beautiful Atari ST in pieces!!
Get to the games!
Okay, you all know how much I love the Atari ST (and Atari STe, of course). This is my era of "Atari" so I was expecting good things. Thankfully, the book does not fail to impress. There are several games feature and, starting with the earliest, we have the timeless classic Time Bandit to begin his 16-bit gaming journey. Later, there are beauties like Operation Wold (Arcade Conversions), Dungeon Master (Adventures), Backlash (shoot 'em ups), Supremecy (Strategy), Vroom (Sports) and much more. Absolutely brilliant gaming!!
But wait. Not only is there the usual selection, but also a raft of games traditionally ignored, which was a lovely surprise. I was pleasantly shocked to see greats like Sentinel, Corruption, Masterblazer, Beyond Zork, Stardust, Backlash, and Lode Runner. Karl is obviously a guy who loves to play Atari, and that shines through.
Hang on, I didn't see Resolution 101!! (Okay, I'll stop that now! I don't want to be one of those people lol)

The book has several ads and this ad for Defender of the Crown is one of my faves...!
Same old same old?
Over the years, we've seen many articles online or in magazines like Retro Gamer, and more. This had to offer something extra special. Thankfully, this is a book that is well-made with a chic style and presentation that is nothing short of exceptional. The writing style is engaging and from a perspective that is both insightful and fun to read. Content is both predictable and also unexpected. That means it doesn't fall into the trap of featuring the same old games we've seen a million times. Hey, you know what I mean!
Each game is presented in a format I admire - rather than defaulting to a meaningless Top 50 chart show. All are split into segments of genre, which makes finding what you need a cinch. I liked the layout with photos of title screens, box art and other tidbits displayed as a funky GEM window. Ad Breaks feature often and are a nostalgic reminder of how the Atari ST magazines once captivated our imagination. Love it!!
It doesn't end yet! Check out these lovely stickers and fridge magnets (which my wife loves!)...

The other books and goodies by Zafinn are magnificent - I feel like a BIG kid on Christmas morning!
The CryptO'pinion?
You can guess how thrilled I am to own yet another Atari ST publication. I've found it to be an enjoyable read which I'll return to time & time again. However, the AtariCrypt website failed to get mentioned, but I can forgive Karl because he managed to get Atari Legend's website wrong - twice!! (Oops, I'm so sorry guys!). 🤪
But seriously, this is the bee's knees and for a meagre €35, it's incredibly good value for money. I believe the available stock is running low so now is the time to act if you want a copy. My sincere gratitude to Karl for holding onto a copy for me over the last few months - I love the goodies, especially the fridge magnets!!
Come on folks, grab yourself a copy of this wonderful new Atari ST book from the Zafinn Books website.