Game maps

The original "Game Maps" section was getting far too big due to the nature of ... well, large maps! So I've created this page that links directly to each one rather than you guys manually scrolling through.

I'll list each game alphabetically rather than in date order. Of course, you can see flip through yourself using the label link on the right which I've conveniently gonna include... wait for it... riiiiight here ;)

My greetings to the fine people over at Atarilegend and Atarimania for hosting copies of my maps.

Atari ST game maps

Cybernoid - level 1-3 fully complete - a fantastic game once you get past the 6th screen (first level).
Deluxe Nostram - entire game fully mapped - Less platformer and more exploration
Fire And Brimstone - entire game fully mapped - One of the toughest ST games there is!
Frankenstein - entire game fully mapped - What an excellent platformer!!
Manic Miner - entire game fully mapped - A wonderful remake of Matthew Smith's classic
Prehistorik - entire game fully mapped - One of my favourite bash em all games!
Spikey in Transylvania - entire game fully mapped - Some might say a smaller Dizzy adventure?
Sword Of Kadash - entire game fully mapped - Looks rubbish, right? Stop! Play this.
The Amazing Spider-Man - stage one fully mapped - Has its flaws but boy, this is seriously good.
Uninvited - fully mapped with a massive guide also - I never enjoy games like this... :o
Xenomorph - fully mapped, credit to Thiima - Better than Dungeon Master? Whaaaat??!!

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