Showing posts with label BoxArt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BoxArt. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Top dollar purchase

I won't say how stupid I feel splashing out to buy this game but, it is worth it. For me, Stormlord is one of the best puzzle/platformers for the Atari ST. It's also one of the few to look and sound as good as it plays. So, that means I might have paid "too much" (wife's words) but, I couldn't be any happier! I know, like a kid on Christmas morning?

Those with a keen memory may remember that Stormlord was featured on the Crypt many moons ago (it includes a walkthrough). Keep scrolling if you wish to see the goodies Hewson included in its box </sarcasm>.


Hewson ©1989 (archive fully listed on Atarilegend)
Programming by Keith McMurtrie (he also helped develop Rubicon)
Graphics by Mark K. Jones (credited for many superb games, like Rambo III)
Audio by the legendary Jochen Hippel and Charles Deenen (who also worked on Death Trap)

Unlike the front, the back of the box is pretty lame.

The manual is crammed with information. Not really but, tbh it's not necessary.

Hey, who drew a picture of my mother-in-law?

And finally, the two floppies. How gripping was this?!!

This is level one. Gorgeous isn't it?

Level 2 is a lot harder than you might imagine. I should replay this someday!

Like I said in the review, level 2 has some nasty nasties!

Friday, June 07, 2024


Gamblers Anonymous!

It's been far too long since I posted anything in our Box Art section! With that in mind, behold my latest purchase - Belote is a card game, quite unlike what I would normally purchase but I'm always eager to try something new and support a company that loves the Atari ST as much as we all do. Big respect.

Belote is by Jean-Stephane Martin for Côté Gamers, the guys who published L'Abbaye Des Morts, Iceblox, Toogle, and the marvellous Democyclopedia (use SEARCH top/right). Originally, it was to be released in 1989 by ESAT Software but they went bankrupt so it was doomed to wander the forgotten deserted wastelands.

Decades later, Cote delivers a boxed version with extras and three bonus games: Le Pendu, Master Mind and Simon. The box is of the usual high standard, including an exceptional manual - superbly written with loads of extra information I never expected about the author, his story, the history of this game, and much more.

The 80s and 90s are long gone but those glorious times are still rocking in my 16-bit world!

  • Obviously, there isn't a download but you can see a video recording on YouTube.
  • You can view Jean-Stephane's entire catalogue on Atarimania.
  • I would also like to personally thank Cote Gamers for going the extra mile - despite the nasty intentions of the French postal service! Click here for all their other Atari ST products.

I look forward to getting my teeth into this game and hopefully, learning a thing or two. However, I have no idea what's going on and have lost every game (no change there then). Yeah, I have a mountain to climb!!

Okay, wanna see what's inside the box? Of course, you do so carry on scrolling...

The back of the box. This is gripping stuff, right? ;-)

What's better than buying a new product in the 21st century - and it's on a floppy disk!

Cote Gamers excelled themselves - the manual is a corker!!

Oh, if only you could feel the pages flick through your fingers. You're missing out!

The manual has a wealth of information about the history of the product and more.

What???  Hey Cote, I want my money back!!

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Black Lamp

Jack The Jester is back!

It's been years since I featured Black Lamp on AtariCrypt. As you all may remember, I said this was one of my favourite Atari ST games. Sure, it's not perfect but it's great fun (albeit with a cheat for extra lives) and features aesthetics to die for. The sprites alone are absolutely superb but the graphics/audio is fantastic throughout. Anyhow, you can easily check out my ancient review by clicking here. Go on, click it!

It's a joy owning a piece of history and, a while back, I got myself a copy of Black Lamp. It's in near-perfect condition so I figured a couple of photos were need to share my warez. Simple as that really.

Atarilegend has all the floppy disk downloads and I highly recommend Zuul #63.
> For those who use faster devices, check out D-Bug or 8BitChip for their awesome reproductions.

I've shared over 40 of my Atari ST games in our Box Art section which you can see listed on the right. Okay, I bet you're dying to see what's inside the box? It's not exactly bursting with goodies like a typical RPG so don't expect too much! Enjoy my photos and I hope you guys (re)play this fantastic platformer immediately.

Let me know in the comments below if you freed Allegoria from those nasty monsters...

Behold, the floppy disk in all its glory! lol

I'm getting a little arty farty with these photographs.

I love how the manual comes with a "map" of Allegorid.

The manual is excellent and right at the centre is a MONSTER GUIDE!

The loading screen is absolutely superb (and I love that it's not a black background!)

Another day, another onslaught of baddies to kill... and we love it!!

ARGHHH, he looks nasty? He is!! Run away from the slayer!!

Turning around might be slow but the firepower isn't. It's fast and furious!!

Oh no, just look at that big boy! The graphics and their movements are gorgeous.

Friday, March 11, 2022

The Chaos Engine

Run. Shoot. Kill. Kill some more!

Hello and welcome to another slice of Atari ST history from my own collection and this time it's the Gauntlet shooter, The Chaos Engine by the Bitmap Brothers. For some reason, I didn't buy the game back in the day and I'm unsure why... Ah, I've remembered! I was probably too busy roaming the universe in Elite II to care about anything?

Anyhow, Chaos Engine incorporates a Victorian-era steampunk composition with several unique characters who each have their own traits. Quite often with games like this, I have a favourite character that I stick with throughout but not so with Chaos Engine as I tend to bounce between them all depending on how I feel.

Title: The Chaos Engine
Year Of Release: 1993
Developer: Bitmap Bros/Renegade
Programmers: Mike Montgomery, Steve Cargill
Design: Eric Matthews, Simon Knight
Graphics: Dan Malone
Sounds: Richard Joseph
Music: Farook Joi, Richard Joseph, Haroon Joi

D-Bug has a fantastic version that can run from a hard drive.
If you're wanting the floppy disks then visit Atari Mania.

Personally, I absolutely love this shooter and feel it's one of the best by the Bitmaps. However, I have also found that it's marmite to some who don't like its style, control system, or even the fact it's a ripoff Gauntletier. I find that baffling so why not click here to see what I thought of it a few years ago. (2015 actually - how time flies!!)

How do you gentlemen feel about this marvellous creation by the legendary Bitmap Bros? A great shooter or a cheap Gauntlet ripoff? Let me know in the comments below. Until then, let's check out the box and its contents...

Now that's what I call a decent collection of screenshots rather than the usual one or two!

Here are the floppy disks. Now it's getting really interesting, eh!

The manual is really good. Although I've never read it until I went to take this snap!!

One day, I will post one of these cards...

I love this but, to me, it feels like an afterthought or the original design for the back of the box.

I've always thought that the computerised player two is an incredible feature.

The Bitmaps always went that extra mile. I only wish DMA samples were implemented.

Normally I keep everything safely within the box and in pristine condition. But, not this time...

...I couldn't help myself and the wife was pleased that I was taking over the bedroom. Honest.

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Sealed for 32 years

Chronicles Of Omega

I've returned to browsing through eBay after a few years away and, lo and behold, I see a sealed copy of one of my favourite platformers, Chronicles Of Omega. Yes, one of my favourites I actually said that didn't I. Please note, that I am not saying it's one of the best platformers for the Atari ST/e. No. I'm saying that it is one of my favourites.

For those new to this often unknown website, I first featured Chronicles Of Omega back in 2016 so you can read all about it by simply digging through our archives (loads of links on the righthand side) or by skipping straight to that page by clicking here. Go on, you know you want to. Enjoy yourself!

I liked ARC but they didn't seem to last that long, so I reckon that I was dead lucky to find this still sealed. In fact, being sealed means I carefully sliced it open to breathe in some of that 20th-century air before inserting the disk and praying it still worked. Well, it does and I'm happy to say that I stand by my earlier thoughts about this platformer - it's one of my favourites albeit with clunky mechanics that should have been better. Click the link above folks.

For those interested in other Atari ST games that I've purchased, click here to see lots more (all are from my own collection). Okay, let's check out the cover art of this ST/STe platformer! And also see what goodies are inside its box...

I must admit, a part of me wanted to keep this sealed and safe from the insanity of the 21st century!

Is anyone else reminded of Thunder Jaws? No, I mean the game...

Wow, what incredible cover art!

A good storyline and cool Atari ST screenshots. Nicely done, Arc!

Inside the box, we have a poster. That the wife won't let me pin to the wall... :(

No guys ever read the manual? Well, it's tiny and enough even for us blokes to bother with.

Has anyone got a stamp?

Friday, January 07, 2022

Droid - all of them!


I should have showcased this before Christmas but I never got a chance due to work commitments. So here it is now, the Droid Definitive Collection that features all three Atari ST/STe games in a spanky cool box. This is the latest from Bitmap Soft in collaboration with the mighty Atari Legend. (Maarten paid me to say that)

You might be thinking "Three games?". Yes, both of the original shooters plus the newly upgraded Atari STe Droid by Jamie Hamshere (click that link right now). It has smooth scrolling, better sounds and enhancements. This is the ultimate boxset for all fans and something I'm sure Miles Lord never dreamt of back in the day?

The box is strong and rich in colour and content. Inside, is a manual, floppy disk, and poster that doubles as a huge map. Geeks rejoice for we have trinkets: stickers and a badge I must remember to wear down the pub! Seriously, I hope we get more boxed Atari ST games soon. Well done to all involved.

Pop over to Bitmap Soft and treat yourself to the latest Atari ST game: Bitmap Soft web store.

But first, watch this video on my YouTube to show a comparison between the ST/STe games...

- Production Credits -

Miles Lord - Droid I & II (original game code and design)
Patrick Lord - Droid I & II (original graphics)
Jamie Hamshere - Droid Special Edition (Atari STe code & DMA audio)
John Blythe (cover illustration)
Darren Doyle (box & manual)

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Athanor II The Legend Of The Birdmen

What? Another brand new game?

Somebody once said that the Atari ST died during the 1990s yet here we are (again) with another new game! Okay, raising the cash to buy this adventure may have taken me a little longer than I originally planned, but I've finally received what is a brand new Atari ST adventure game - Athanor II The Legend Of The Birdmen by Safar Games. Very excited!!

Design and Programing - Eric Safar
Graphics - Vincent Jambut, François Gutherz, Angel Bautista
Musician - Mathieu Stempell [DMA-SC]

What is it?

Athanor II is a point-and-click adventure sequel to the original 8-Bit game. Our adventure continues through four different worlds with new interactive characters and an abundance of puzzles. All Atari computers are supported with 1MB+ RAM and the Atari STe will use its extra colours, Blitter Chip and the DMA for clean audio sounds. Excitingly, this is the second title of what will eventually be a trilogy - oh yeah, this is something else to look forward to!!

I believe the elusive TT and Falcon are also supported but, that's something I'm unable to test unless someone fancies donating their hardware to AtariCrypt? Yeah, I thought so... O_o

Design and programming were done using GFA Basic and Devpac by Eric Safar (yes, he of Ranx!!) who was also interviewed a couple of years ago by Atari Legend. I must say, this is a quality product and I feel Eric went that extra mile with a product that looks and feels great. The build is strong and well-designed plus comes with a bunch of goodies inside the box. One of the best purchases I've ever made and something I'm very eager to play.

The CryptO'pinion?

Okay, I'll say it again just to get this point across, this is one of the best purchases I have ever made. Athanor 2 is a quality product. The box art is weirdly fantastic and there are many trinkets inside along with the disks and manual. It's fun to open up a box to see such goodies, something kids today miss out on with their digital downloads.

I genuinely cannot wait to begin this adventure and I'm excited to see what wonders lay ahead. I only hope the family gives me enough quiet time to play it properly (I can but hope). Let me know, in the comments below, if any of you have bought and are playing Athanor II. I'd love to hear about your progress and thoughts on the game. Enjoy!

Athanor II - The Legend Of The Birdmen can be purchased using Eric's website.

Let's take a look at the goodies inside the box...

Look at all the goodies that come inside the box. I absolutely love this!

The hands of Eric and his gleamingly clean Atari ST. I should dust mine more...

Friday, June 26, 2020

War In Middle Earth

Bought yet never played. . .

I've had this golden oldie gathering dust for over 4 years and never booted it up. Yup, I've no idea why, but the three floppy disks have never seen the inside of my ST's drive! Heck, I've never even tried it in emulation... I'm now wondering why I'm so lazy and stupidly wasted cash to rescue a game I didn't really want?

I imagine it was going cheap on eBay? Well, I have loved anything by Melbourne House since my Speccy days - so it was bound to happen!! Hang on, did you think that I was going to say "Tolkien"?? Anyhow, this 30-year-old treasure is in nice condition, even though the paper (for the map & manual) smells a little musty.

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-Lords in their halls of Stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

That sounds rather interesting!! But, for those who might not know, Tolkien's War in Middle Earth is a strategy adventure based around little creatures called Hobbits. You can't miss them - annoying fellas with big feet! This adaptation is loosely based on the books but, I believe, there is always the option to veer from the storyline to venture forth your own way separate from the novel. How far that might get me is anyone's guess.

So, I've got little to say about this RPG but I did notice that the screenshots display the Speccy and Amstrad versions - not exactly a positive sign!! Maybe I should stop yapping and boot it up? Has anyone played it? What can I expect? Should I watch the movies first or (gulp) read the books? Surely not!!

I thought this would make a cool feature for our Box Art section and I hope you like the photographs of this golden oldie? Right then, enough talk because I've got a free weekend so let's see what happens.


Ignoring the side with yellowing, the map is in good condition (click it). I wonder how accurate it is?

The little book inside the box is the manual, I wanted a bigger book but I'm awkward...

Three disks. Yes, three!! I've not checked, but I guess they're single-sided. Doh!

I love that the box is actually a sleeve and that logo always reminds me of The Hobbit.

Like what I do? Hey, do you wanna help support AtariCrypt??

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