Showing posts with label 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2019. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Out Run

Oh no, yuppie racing!!

A few years ago, I had the pleasure of beta-testing an enhanced version of Out Run for Peter Jørgensen. Happy times, and I really miss those days! If you’re wondering who he is, he’s the guy behind YMT Player, Manic Miner, and a new version of Enduro Racer. He also helped me to create two (ahem) fantastic slideshows - ZombieCrypt and Half-Life 2. Anyhow, those were great days, but it wasn’t until recently that I realized I’d never featured Out Run. I wonder why - maybe I was waiting for the “next beta” which never happened?

Who knows, but here we are now! So, everyone knows how disappointing Outrun is, so perhaps that was what spurred Peter to create a better game. I can't recall every detail of the planned specs and enhancements - it’s been six years - but I do remember he was aiming for a smoother framerate, better sprites, and DMA sound effects. Although it isn’t finished, it's already a major improvement over the dreadful original.

Before downloading this beta, grab a copy of the original and play it first. That way, you'll truly appreciate the differences. I hope Peter eventually returns to complete the hard work he’s already put into this.

  • Atarimania hosts the latest beta version (ST/STe - requires a Blitter)
  • Atari Legend has the original game on several menu disks.
  • If you fancy playing more enhanced Atari STe games then tickle this link.
  • Peter's profile is available on Demozoo and if you're wondering about his other productions then use the search at the top/right of this page!

The familiar rush through the sunshine in your 
Ferrari Testarossa.

The second stage is annoying with many roadside obstacles.

My game ended at this point but I liked the look of the dust so had to screenshot it.

I reached the third stage - which is good for me!!

Sunday, March 06, 2022

Rodney vs KFC

Zinger Burger anyone?

Rodney is a cool chap who loves his Atari ST and meeting up with fellow friends. One day, he was happily on his way to the Dullsville copy party until he had his compact disk collection stolen by KFC Gang. No, not the tasty fried chicken place but a mob calling themselves Klepto Foreign Chickens, which is hilarious. So he went back home determined for justice! Grabbing an anti-chicken gun, he headed to their hideout for revenge - and his floppy disks!

In case you're wondering, they are ST compact disks and not CDs. ;-) Think Automation, Replicants, Fuzion, Pompey Pirates, Elite, Dream Weavers and many, many others that you can find over on Atari Legend.

Okay, the plan is to kill the chickens and reclaim his disk collection. But, he's only got a few minutes before the bus drives off leaving him behind - and he doesn't wanna miss the copy party! Yep, this may sound like a lame 90s dream but we must help Rodney get his collection back so he can meet up with his mates and copy lots of ST games and demos.

Yeah, it's like going back in time alright so let's check out the first couple of screenshots...

Chickens everywhere should be scared of Rodney with his anti-chicken gun!

Those look like the unbranded disks we would all order by the 100s back in college :D

Rodney should have locked his disk box!

As you've guessed, this is a platformer in a similar mould to the likes of Magic Pockets and others. Infiltrating the gang's hideout is easy, to begin with. This place is inhabited by the thieving scumbag birds who robbed all our floppies and then foolishly scattered them about their lair. Thankfully, one shot is all it takes to kill them and, if you see your disks, then grab 'em quick. Walk, jump, shoot, collect disks - that's about as complex as it gets.

Interestingly, Padman coded the game in GFA Basic for all 1MB computers. But it's best when run on an Atari STe thanks to the extra colours, DMA sound effects and gorgeous music. And it is just that, gorrrrgeous!

The controls are superb and very responsive: left/right walks and pushing upwards leaps Rodney - with diagonal support. The fire button blasts a puny gun that sends the chickens to a slaughterhouse - I found it best to press once, instead of repeatably bashing the button. Hey, these cluckers make a funny noise when dying which I love!

However, don't dawdle with idle exploration or listening to the chickens die. Remember that bus we need to catch? Yep, there's a timer and it's immensely restricting without any allowance for mistakes. So, if you need to backtrack after missing a ledge, don't bother. It's best to restart because you'll never make up for the lost time.

Once all disks are collected, and the KFC dead, you can head towards the exit and then catch the bus to see all your ST mates at the copy party. This quest is straightforward: locate the disks and kill the KFC gang members along the way. I won't knock that simplicity because this is fun and the map is huge with a superb design.

Okay, it's that time again. Yep, you've guessed it! Let's take a look at a couple more screenshots...

I love how the chickens have those beady eyes and fall off the screen when shot.

This is possibly the hardest part of the game, one slip and you fall into the fire!!


Graphically, this game is great with a murky palette that nicely represents KFC's underground hideout. The sprites are few but humorously bright and perfectly drawn - I love those chickens so much! All animations are excellent and I adore how Rodney's quiff flaps as he walks (a ripped sprite from an unreleased Amiga game is what I heard)

The scrolling is smooth in all directions but a little sluggish and could have been better, especially on the Atari STe. Perhaps I'm being harsh because Padman miraculously used GFA Basic so the results are outstanding in one respect. However, the cynic within asks why the Blitter/hardware scrolling wasn't used for a faster movement.

For the audio, we have excellent sampled sounds used for dying chickens, disk pickups and an 'ugh' as we jump. Okay, it's no Death Chase but what we have, I like. However, it's the music that sets this game apart from the crowd thanks to terrific chiptunes. TAO's in-game music (Atari STe) is absolutely phenomenal. Yes, I said that.

Righto, the last screenshots before I give my much-desired opinion that you all crave so badly...

Liking the subtle stamp Padman placed here. Let's turn that chicken into a curry!!

Can you beat my high score? In fact, this was my first-ever attempt. So beat that! :p

The CryptO'pinion?

I've enjoyed (trying) to help Rodney reclaim his Atari ST disk box but there are a few issues that obviously narked me. For one, there is no indication of the outstanding disks left to collect so I felt blinded, wondering what I'd missed. Plus I wanted a better gun and a LOT more chickens. Worst of all, I hated that time limit with a vengeance.

Nevertheless, I don't want to be overly harsh as this isn't commercial and better than some of the dross we've endured from many companies. Rodney vs KFC is incredibly playable and, although it's doubtful I will ever find all the floppy disks, it keeps dragging me back for that "one more go". I love that addictive aspect of this cool platformer. Play it!!

Grab the floppy disk from Atarimania and check out this excellent video by Gears Of Games.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Curse of Rabenstein

Only the brave may enter...

Stefan Vogt, of Hibernated 1, has done it once again and released another brand new adventure game: The Curse Of Rabenstein. This story has us travelling through the Black Forest on a cold and eerie night! Somehow we managed to get ourselves lost and the coachman looks very worried so stops to rest the horses whilst trying to figure out his map. We get out to stretch our legs and notice faint lights shining from a distant village. Oddly, that place isn't on our map - or any map! Hmm, very strange, but I wonder if there's somebody there who might be willing to help?

I've spent a few hours over the weekend exploring the village of Rabenstein which has a captivating storyline and is easy to get into. Unlike Hibernated, this is a graphical/text adventure with gorgeous retro artwork to help represent the current location. This adds another level to the creepy atmosphere and I'm having a great weekend!

First, let's take a look at some early screenshots from my first attempts...

Has that coachman ever watched a movie? Look, I'll stay here and YOU go to the village!

The village actually appears very nice with a pub, church, and stables. What more do you need?

Lovely, so let's go and explore a little more...

Erm, I don't think it's a good idea to wander around a cemetery at night - esp naked!! ;-)

Hay, Hay we made it to the stables which are just what we needed...

Explore the horror!

Heavily inspired by the Level 9 games, playing is familiar using a two-word parser that keeps things simple to look, examine, search, use, and so on. For example, "examine bed", "search hay", "get shovel", etc/etc. Also, shortcuts can be used, so X will examine something, N will walk you North, and so on. Yep, all easy and obviously very intuitive.

There is something uniquely riveting about Rabenstein's spooky theme which captivates the imagination. In fact, I even had a pen and paper at the ready - but never used them which is very odd for me!! Why? Well, the locations are few but crammed with information and details to help you out so I feel novices (like me) will find Rabenstein a fantastic doorway into the genre. Stefan describes his game as more of a short novella, which I feel is not a bad thing whatsoever.

This is an exciting adventure to get stuck into. Don't believe me? Then check out these screenshots...

It's great to see that humour isn't lost amongst the "horror" theme of Rabenstein!

I knew it was a terrible idea to go into a cemetery at night!! What was I thinking?

Like an old Hammer House Of Horror!!

So far, my journey is currently going very well: I have figured out how to stable my horses (yeah, I know), booked a room at the Inn and chatted to the local villagers - they seem nice but spooked! Later, I heard a terrifying scream coming from the graveyard - so I ran back to my room at the Inn only to hide under the bed covers all night! Yep, that's me!

However, things were very different the next morning: the village simply wasn't the same anymore - many years had passed, all the people had gone and the forest was taking back the land. A tree had crushed the church but it wasn't long before I started digging up a grave and fondling a dead corpse - not something I had ever thought about doing before. Hang on, I can see a Manor on the hill so let's hope things get better after a good night's sleep? Hmm, I bet!

I'm a bit scared so should I dare give you a glimpse of the Silent Hill horror...

Hmm, that InnKeeper was too good to be true. All I wanted was a good night's sleep!

What?!! Everything changed when I woke up!

The CryptO'pinion?

I think this adventure will appeal to both noobs and hardcore adventures alike. The atmosphere is brilliant and I love how things can change so swiftly - very Silent Hill 'ish. Sure, the locations are few but they are stuffed with clues that make you sit back and think. However, nothing is perfect and I have quibbles: interaction with the villagers felt limited and I also wish the idea of an alternate village would have been used a lot more because it was brilliantly done.

I am really enjoying this adventure far more than I would have ever expected. It's like a Hammer House Of Horror in both style and stereotypical content plus the graphics are a massive bonus (I hope Stefan continues down this path in the future). A wonderful adventure and now I am excited to see what freakish horrors await me in the Manor!!

[My current progress] I finally made it into the Manor and there's a trail of blood. Oh, great!!

The Curse of Rabenstein is free to download!
* However, there is an option to donate a few quid *

I opted to purchase the boxed version with the goodies!!
I'm just like a (big) kid at Christmas :-)

Gaming like it's 1990 with a box stuffed full of quality goodies!

Monday, December 02, 2019


Kermit would be proud!

I've been given an opportunity to playtest the latest alpha v1.2 update of Frogs by Thomas Ilg. I previously got to play this cute game of strategic hopping which feels like a lifetime ago. Thankfully, Thomas didn't stop tinkering and made improvements: faster code, additional Atari STe features, and other interesting ideas (some I didn't like).

For those who don't know, our game is based on the Commodore 64 original by Dr. Wuro Industries. Thomas is using the Blitter and DMA Audio plus the gameplay is faster with up to 4-players. Anyhow, I've had a play with the latest release and reported back my thoughts. That's always a worrying time but it was long before I was given an update.

Okay, before we carry on, let's take a look at the first screenshot using Atari ST graphics. What? Look...

It's crazy with four froggies hopping around the screen but have you that many friends?

Uh, a Froggy game?

Yep, and frogs love ponds so each screen is a giant pond of rocks/lilypads that stay floating on the water's surface - for a short time. Hop around the screen, look for bugs, and then press fire to stick out your tongue to feed your belly. Be quick and beat the other players but watch out because the computer AI is actually quite superb - plus it's fun watching them brawl amongst themselves!! Oh, tongues have more than one use so don't be a pushover, okay?

Numerous ponds are available with three different gameplay modes and support for 2-4 players. Controls are unique featuring support for the keyboard, joystick, Jagpad, or ST4PLAYER via the parallel port. Players can either be human or computer-controlled and there's even the option for a Midi link-up. Come on, tell me you're not impressed!!

Wanna see another screenshot? How about one using C64 graphics? Yes, on the Atari ST...

The C64 graphics are superb and add something extra retro to the game.

Yeah, Commodore!

Our Atari version features various enhancements, one being scrolling. Yup, the playfield (umm, pond) now scrolls and, in my recording, you can see how great this works. It's a treat and I (mostly) loved it. However, I thought that the single-player mode needed to scroll "more" because it felt somehow short or restricted (to me). So a new "Single Frog Scrolling" option has been implemented for one-player and this also includes the C64 mode. Incredible support!

Of course, purists will be relieved to hear that scrolling will be an option selectable from within the game's menu. Yup, it won't be forced which I personally think will please folk from all corners of the scene? Well, I hope so!

The graphic modes are going to shine alongside the recent (and staggering) framerate improvements when running on the Atari STe - we're talking 2VBL / 25fps. I'm also happy to announce other improvements in the pipeline, like the decals which I thought desperately needed changing!! Wow, I can moan about stuff, right?

Steve the frog always wins because he's the greatest!! :o)

The CryptO'pinion?

Frogs is a brilliant game and my sneak peek is proving to be extremely fascinating. For me, the option to scroll the screen is a fantastic idea and is implemented very well. Additionally, I'm happy to see Thomas is not restricting the Atari STe with the limitations of the older Atari ST or the Commodore 64. I'm excited to see what comes next - watch this space folks!

* Update: Frogs v1.2 is now available to download *

If you've been living on another planet and missed out on this amphibious wonder, I suggest you head over to AtariMania and download it right away. Sorry, but you will have to wait a little longer to play v1.2 :-)

Consider buying Frogs boxed w/ its multiplayer adapter!!

Sunday, June 16, 2019


1983 has come knocking!

A brand new remake of Don Priestley's Maziacs is being released by Bello Games with coding by George Nakos (aka GGN) and graphics by Niels Kleine (aka Tinker) and Kevin Dempsey (aka SH3). At the moment, this is an unfinished port but I loved the ZX Spectrum original so much that I couldn't wait to get my grubby mitts on this olde classic.

I expected differences but, right from the start, this feels authentic and with a remake of the old DK'Tronics loading screen. Surprisingly, there is a good reason Bugziacs feels so much like the original - "This version actually runs the original Spectrum code translated to 68000 using a custom tool and then some routines replaced with ST-specific code". Wow. Extremely interesting and I hope many more Spectrum conversions are in the pipeline?

Check out the first few screenshots! Yep, I feel like I'm 12 again looking at these Speccy delights...

Ohh, the menu system is just like the original. Even the font...

...and these silly sprites too. Comical and I love it.

I wish more games had an intro detailing what to do. Brilliant idea.

Wow, it really is Maziacs!

Once the game begins, things feel familiar but the look (and movement) are a lot better than my favourite Z80 computer could ever manage. The goal remains the same: explore a maze looking for hidden treasure. And then make your escape. It sounds easy - but it's not - especially as you cannot carry both a weapon and the treasure at the same time.

Like the original, each maze is randomly generated which means a different game each time you play it. But the one thing that remains constant is those angry Maziacs who roam the corridors looking for a scrap with our plucky hero. Thankfully, some kind soul has left swords scattered throughout. However, these can oddly only be used once per battle! So this is where the map feature comes in handy along with your memory for those you've already walked past.

This might sound a little weird and rather limiting but it works perfectly to keep you on your toes. The ST game plays like I remember and, unlike most 16-bit updates, it doesn't feel like it's lacking that certain 'je ne sais quoi'. This is authentic yet also an improvement, which is very unique. That in itself is impressive because I'm tired of classic games being spoilt by better graphics or unnecessary changes. I'm thinking about the terrible Chuckie Egg II as an example!

What, you don't believe how good this is? Well, you better check out some more screenshots then...

The Atari ST version looks amazing. Authentic, yet a cracking advancement too.

Of course, you could step back in time and use the original Speccy graphics?

Whatever you decide, it's always best to use the map. Don't get lost!

Don Priestley would love this!

One thing to remember when playing is that you're not Superman! Keep an eye on your energy levels (displayed using a vertical bar) because that ticks down as you explore. Fear not, whoever left the swords has also kindly left energy drinks. Also, I advise chatting with the prisoners who are usually willing to aid you on your travels. Although it's odd they know so much yet never ask to be freed? Finally, use the map which will be more than helpful at crucial times!

Yes, I am really enjoying Bugziacs!! This is well-balanced and incredibly playable. Sure, it's got some quirks/bugs as those randomly generated maps can sometimes be rather unfair: more than once, I began with a Maziac standing beside me!! But let's not forget this is a work-in-progress so I'm extremely eager and excited to see the final product.

You can probably tell how thrilled I am to play a classic game like this on my Atari ST!! Hey, it's screenshot time...

Maziacs... oops!! Bugziacs has the most helpful prisoners you could ever imagine.

The swords are necessary but probably made in China - they don't last very long!

Hang on a mo, three monsters and only one sword? Oh no!!

The CryptO'pinion?

Bugziacs has taken me back to my roots in the earlier 80s. What an absolutely fantastic version this is and being able to switch between Atari ST and ZX Spectrum visuals is just too good for words. It's always great to see a "new" game InDev for our computer. I hope GGN can put this tool to use in the future and get other Speccy games converted? GGN - please develop Chuckie Egg 2 next as this is my favourite 8-Bit platformer but I have a massive list too :-)

Whether you're old enough to remember the original game or not, Bugziacs is a bundle of frantic mayhem. It's a simple idea that has been perfectly executed. What a rush it is to hunt down the treasure before panicking to quickly escape. Yes, it's tough but it's so much fun. This is a brilliant game and one I cannot help but highly recommend to everyone.

Maziacs is brilliant on the ZX Spectrum but guess what? So is Bugziacs for the Atari ST. Absolutely superb!!

Both AtariMania and Demozoo have Bugziacs to download.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Sam Nasty

A nasty new game!

It's a pleasure to see a new in development for our beloved Atari ST but Sam Nasty is different. This puzzle-based platformer was developed back in the early 1990s using STOS by Jerome Mahieux. Oddly, he never released it but found the floppy disk so here we are in 2019, playing the game. How cool is that!!

Upon loading, we're greeted with a title screen for help and other options to disable the sound effects/music. The game itself is a static-screen platformer and, for each level, we find ourselves trapped inside a prison and must find a way to escape. This might sound familiar but it's also got some rather unique features.

But first, let's check out a couple of screenshots with some rather cute & dodgy characters...

The coppa is seeing stars like in a cartoon. I love that!!

Talk about antagonising the enemy by sticking out your tongue! lol ace!!!

The Great Escape!

As you might imagine, the earlier screens are quite humble to break you in gently. So escaping is easy whilst you learn the basics. But it's not long before Sam finds himself inside prisons that must put Alcatraz to shame. There are always a variety of cunning pitfalls to avoid, so look out for things like laser beams that will zap you into an early grave! Also, there are patrolling coppers and some are even armed...

It's a good job our thug has the ability to punch. The screenshots prove how entertaining that is!!

Escaping is always going to be different for each of the levels. So look for anything that might help, like a switch for example. Today, my gaming skills excelled and I reached the fourth prison - not bad at all for a fella with terrible gaming skills (sometimes I wonder why I bother running a gaming website lol). Yep, a joyous occasion that sadly didn't last all that long, as you will see in my YouTube video recording.

Let's pause the reading and check out a couple more screenshots...

It's a tight fit there, so get down and crawl in silence.

Stars and tongues! That's this game to a tea and I love it!!


The graphics are nothing like I expected and I mean that in a good way. Tiny design but, with superb attention to detail for each of the prisons. However, it's the sprites that I love the most: the laughing policeman, Sam sticking out his tongue, and those punched faces with their broken teeth. Fantastic pixel art and something that will make even the most miserable gamer smile with joy. Throughout, you will be impressed by the humour.

The music is chip and nice but Sam Nasty has the ability to disable that. So I did. Now, just listen to the sound effects and tell me you're not reminded of countless ZX Spectrum platformers!! Anyhow, I enjoyed the music but I absolutely loved the amazing sound effects. Seriously, just get this game and listen for yourself!!

This is something else! I love how it looks and sounds so let's see some more screenshots...

Okay, things are getting tough now and that copper has a gun!

The death scene is great and a little Rick Dangerous too... Can you see me?

The CryptO'pinion?

I'm impressed by the demo and, never in a million years, would I have imagined breaking out of prison could have been fun. Sure, there are a few bugs (that Jerome is in the process of fixing). Plus a few niggles that I'd like tweaked - like overly sensitive joystick controls and the desperate need for more lives. (WIP)

Sam Nasty is a fantastic concept and I'm gobsmacked he didn't release this back in the day. I'm sure it would have gone down a storm! So please take time to download the demo, have a play, and consider sending him your feedback and support. A thoroughly enjoyable and addictive game and well worth buying for pennies!!

2 euros for the full game - support Jerome & the ST scene!

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