Showing posts with label Shoot 'em ups - Invaders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shoot 'em ups - Invaders. Show all posts

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Super Space Invaders

Space Invaders!!

How could anyone contemplate enhancing Space Invaders? How about supersizing it with power-ups and other cool ideas!! This is exactly what Domark did with the imaginatively titled Super Space Invaders, an authentic take with an array of next-gen invaders to quench our two-dimensional alien-zapping thirst.

> From the start, we're treated to a superb intro you should watch. I can't stress that enough!

When a game begins, select your path through a variety of grouped stages, similar to Blasteroids. As an attack wave begins, it's quite slow and gradually speeds up with each kill. These new invaders will attack using a variety of tactics - some will bloat after being shot, thus requiring extra effort. Don't expect the same attack formations, this time they use various styles with some breaking away - Galaxian style!

Let's peep at a screenshot of an unlucky guy struggling at his daily job. Some have it tough...

The intro is legendary. I absolutely loved it and it's definitely something you don't skip!!

Can't knock the classic formula

An easily targeted mothership frequently passes by and, if destroyed, drops a power-up in true Arkanoid fashion. These power-ups are key to success and an enhanced gameplay experience. There are many, I love the laser which slices through the alien hoard like a hot knife through butter. I must admit, to taking a liking to that rapid-fire power-up! Perhaps I should state this fact again? The power-ups are key to a better game.

Okay, if Space Invaders had a flaw, it's repetition. Super Space Invaders attempts to break that by introducing bonus rounds, different stages, and boss levels. One bonus is the flying saucers screen which shows them hovering in the rural countryside trying to abduct cattle! The groovy end-of-level bosses are in urgent need of a good hiding!! I am especially impressed by the boss after level three which is beautifully animated.

Here is a screenshot that might look a bit awkward but playing is miles better...

Some aliens balloon when hit which is funny but also means more shooting!!


The graphics are excellent with nicely detailed invaders and I especially liked the huge insects. Framerates are great but the game will appear sluggish without using power-ups. I really enjoy the colour schemes throughout, it has a surreal feeling. Finally, the End-Of-Level bosses are a fantastic example of cool pixel art.

Musically, very interesting as I am weirdly reminded of Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters. The effects are good but I was disappointed not to hear the famous cannon sounds from the arcade!

Okay, let's see a cutscene and this one has helpless cows wanting a quiet life...

Oh no, now those pesky aliens are after cattle. I need burgers so shoot them down now!

The CryptO'pinion?

I've had a blast (sorry) playing this game. It's still Space Invaders but with many extras that bloat and bastardise the original format. Purists might turn up their noses in disgust at this abomination. Nonetheless, it's a terrific game in its own right and the power-ups are key to getting the most from this alternative rendition. They really are and transform what would otherwise be a predictable clone into a freakishly entertaining affair.

I feel this is an addictive and entertaining take on the original idea. Great fun and highly recommended!

Can you protect humanity from Space Invaders?
Help is stored ready on hard disk or floppy.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

ST Review Invaders

Quick, get inside your laser cannon!

I've just found an ST Review cover disk (#11) and on it is the imaginatively titled ST Review Invaders, a magazine exclusive by Dave Munsie. Sadly, my first impressions weren't great because some traditional elements are altered far too much for my liking. Such as how the cannon moves over a rocky landscape so I wasn't feeling the love.

However, I slapped myself and then began to mellow! After a few games and found myself enjoying this quirky space shooter and the nifty new mechanics which I thought were excellent. Also, I enjoyed the faster gameplay which is superb. I love how the pesky aliens no longer shoot in predictable straight lines and their attack patterns are quite brilliant. Level two sees them bopping along in a humorous fashion with a Mexican wave following later on!!

Overall, the authenticity has been altered far too much for my liking so it's not Space Invaders anymore. However, it's still a great game in its own right and certainly has that 'just one more go' factor. I really enjoyed playing this game!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Overscan Invaders

Overscan Invaders was released in 1994 by Janet Dean under the esteemed Budgie UK licenceware label. This is a Space Invaders clone but one with a rather unexpected twist not normally exploited. Yes, I think you've guessed it? It's running in overscan so uses lots of extra pixels and also breaks the 16-colour limit.

It's a great twist on the original Space Invaders and plays well and is very addictive. Ironically, it's the sound effects which I love the most - yes, even more than the overscan! They are superb and so authentic. Just listen to the video recording for all those childhood memories to come flooding back.

Overscan Invaders is definitely one of the better clones and I’m sure any Invader fan will love it. I did.

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