Thursday, September 08, 2016

Retro Image Tool

Argh, why are there so many different formats?

I recently found a video by Sascha Springer, aka Anima, who has created a tool to convert any modern picture into the Spectrum 512 format. This can then be loaded on your Atari ST/e with astounding results!!

These 3 pictures I created for my Atari STe are now in Spectrum format (extended palette). Fantastic results, I'm sure you'll agree. Give this extraordinary tool a playtest to see what you can create/convert.

Check out the other two images below that look ace on my Atari STe. Enjoy experimenting!!

Watch the tutorial video before using Retro Image Tool (use Chrome).
View any 'SPU' image using his slideshow program (any Atari ST/e computer)


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