Sunday, July 16, 2017

Menace [upgraded]

When something isn't quite right...

Menace is one of the few Psygnosis games that I respect. It's a good shooter. Okay, it should have been better with a little effort but, that's an Amiga company for you. Anyhow, it's still a decent game and I enjoy it. But what's with the YELLOW ship compared to that other version? For years, I've hated its bland colour and wondered what they were thinking. And if it was possible to change it for something better?

So I contacted Atari ST wizard Peter Putnik about my dilemma. He's always up for a challenge and open to new ideas. It wasn't long until he came back with a solution that worked well. As you can see in both the video and screenshots, our spaceship now has a new paint job!! The caveat is a change to the (badly placed) status pane due to the 16-colour palette. Of course, the game remains the same but we now pilot a white ship!

You know folks, this is what makes the Atari ST scene a marvellous place. Think about it, I wasn't happy with a commercial game from 30+ years ago. I asked a guy living in another country for his thoughts. What does he do? He fixes it without hesitation. Incredible. What an amazing community we have.

My sincere thanks to Peter for being gracious with my request. This version of Menace is the only one I will play on the Atari ST. Here's the download to the newly designed AtariCrypt White Star (geddit?).

Please watch the video trailer above and gander at these lovely screenshots...

I made this silly image. Can you tell? lol

Here it is, our brand new white ship!

Just look at it. Much better now albeit at the expense of the status bar.

Skimming along through space in my spanky new ship!!

It might not be the best shooter but the graphics are cool.

It has it's haters but this is better than most of the drivel Psygnosis produced for us.


  1. Always remember that you have to shoot the floating [1000] dropped when you destroy and entire enemy battalion to get it to change to other weapons. Weapons are cumulative, not replacements, so it gets fun, especially with the unlimited shield trainer. =)

    1. Argh sorry mate, I never got an alert for this comment :( Yes, I agree about the power-ups. Neat game this.


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