Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sports. Show all posts

Friday, December 06, 2019

Summer Olympiad

A sports game? Me? Sporty? Yeah right...

Who'd have thunk it? Yet another sports game here on the Crypt - a website by the least sporty guy on the planet! (Hang on, I enjoy watching NASCAR. Well, from the comfort of my sofa!). Okay, here we have TyneSoft's 1988 hit Summer Olympiad with five Olympic events to compete in - either solo or with friends.

Firstly, you're probably thinking the same as me? Five events! Yep, 1988 must have been a poor year or maybe the TyneSoft guys got bored? Anyhow, up to six players can compete against each other through a selection of athletic events and they are Skeet Shooting, Diving, Triple Jump, Hurdles and Fencing.

Before any of that malarkey, we should first find a busty girl to light that Olympic flame...

Well, that's how my mind works!!

I love the billboard screen showing each event!!


Skeet Shooting can be controlled using either the joystick or the mouse - but please chose the mouse! The left button launches a clay pigeon(s) and your right button fires one desperate blast into that direction. Quick reactions and accurate movements are required otherwise you begin shooting at the empty sky. And I did that more times than I care to admit. It's quite difficult... ahem!

Wow, my aim is terrible!! Still, it's really good fun trying to shoot the discs.

Diving is really silly yet brilliant. Never have I seen someone fall in slo-mo and from such a massive height! Moving left/right rotates the diver as he falls, whereas up/down tucks him up. A well-timed splosh produces the best scrores, somehow... But I really enjoyed this event. It's great fun!

After falling 50 miles you think the crowd would be more enthusiastic!

Triple Jump is a joystick destroyer so get waggling to make our little athelete run like the clappers. However, that fun soon ends because I think TyneSoft deliberately did everything they could to sabotage any enjoyment thanks to the stupid controls: fire-button alters the controls to change your runner's angle by pushing up/down. It's pretty weird and ruined the event for me.
Waggle Waggle Waggle... Joystick breaks... Thanks, TyneSoft!!

Hurdles was a pleasant surprise because I expected more 2D but we're viewing the event using a third-person perspective. Joystick waggling is still the order of the day with the fire-button used to perform a flawless leap over the hurdles. Well, if you practise because it's quite hard to judge. Personally, I think having a simple shadow at the runner's feet would have helped - and save him from lots of leg bruises... Finally, don't forget to lean forward when crossing the finishing line!

I'd be great at this if the objective was to kick down each and every hurdle!!

Fencing sounded like it was going to be good but controlling my dude felt somewhat disconnected from what I saw on the screen. So was pure luck if I made a hit but then I fell asleep!! Yeah, this is a bit rubbish if I'm honest and I didn't care for it. So definitely the weakest of all five events.

Boring... It's time to whip out a shotgun and blast your opponent!!


The visuals are by Paul Drummond and I must say that I liked what I saw. The sprites are good with acceptable (wooden) animations with smooth scrolling. The 3D Hurdles is impressive so get waggling that joystick. It's all good but oddly, I liked the event's loading screens the most - especially Skeet Shooting!

Chipmusic is by Wally Beben and is superb, especially between each event. Sadly, I only wish I could say the same for the sound effects which fail to show us what the YM2149 is capable of. I'm sure there must have been enough spare clock cycles for a few rough samples? That would have been so much better.

Let's take a look at those loading screens...

This image is my favourite. Brilliantly drawn and I think he looks like Chuck Norris!

Fencing is awesome and I love the palette.

Tripple Jump is weird - that guy looks somewhat deranged!!


There might be only five but each event has something for everyone. However, it's a mixed bag with Skeet Shooting being the best, closely followed by Diving and Hurdles. Sadly, the Tripple Jump is awkward and Fencing is boring. If you are going to feature so few games they need to be fantastic to compensate.

This is a cracking family game we have enjoyed - even if my daughter completely fails to grasp the concept of waggling a joystick! (Kids!). Summer Olympiad is definitely at its best when competing against family/friends otherwise it's all over too soon. Good, but could have been better with more content/events.

Remember to do warm-up stretches before downloading for floppy or hard drive.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Seconds Out

Wanna be a Tyson Fury?

Do you remember a game called Frank Bruno's Boxing on the ZX Spectrum? Well, it looks like the folk over at Tynesoft did when they released Seconds Out in 1988. As in the Speccy game, we're in a boxing ring fighting ugly dudes and the action is viewed ringside from behind our noble challenger. Yup, it's original alright!

We are Marco, a challenger who must compete against five champions from around the world. His first bout breaks us in gently against Joe Weed who lives up to his name and is pretty easy to knock out. The second is much harder, closely shadowing you and can easily block your punches. The third is rather odd and that's saying something for this peculiar boxing game: it's a lame fella who wears glasses and can headbutt. (I believe there are two more champions: an American and a Russian. Just don't ask me if I can reach that far!!)

First up is Joe Weed, an easy opponent!

Jonesy is harder, although he seems shocked to lose!

Punching people with a joystick?

Controls are initially odd but the one-button ST does well after a few practices. Moving left/right is easy, but slow, and we can guard ourselves using up/down with a little sway thrown in for good measure - if pointless. With the fire button pressed, we can punch with either arm as we float around that ring looking to sting. Well...

Energy levels are displayed at the top of the screen: decreasing with each hit taken and increasing when dealing out damage/resting. Also, a throbbing boxer's "KO" glove will indicate when your opponent is weak enough for a knock-out. That is the time to hit up/fire to perform the special ability, a swift right hook!!

Each round lasts 1:30 seconds but oddly feels longer against the tougher guys who cannot easily be knocked out. Between rounds, we are slumped in the corner with our coach who helps recover lost energy - something I didn't realise until after I made my recording. That'll teach me not to read the manual... Doh!!

Don't be a fool like me!! Waggle that joystick...

and put that old man to some good use ;o)

Graphics & Sounds

Graphically, this ain't anywhere near what the ST is capable of but it does feature lots of comical aspects - like Mike "Hammerhead" Hagman!! Also, the see-through wireframe idea works well but is spoiled by having a pixelated head. Animations are okay and the crowd make very few movements so look rather bored.

Audio has been forgotten with no music and the near-static crowd is silent for such an event!!



Watch out for this dirty Jeff Minter fighter.

Even when I'm knocked out, he still tries to headbutt me!!

The CryptO'pinion?

This game has massive drawbacks, like speed. There aren't any; these athletes are the slowest I've seen! Never will you feel like you're participating in an event with a motionless and silent crowd. Also, the gameplay is short and obviously linear in structure, so I'm sure better players could complete it in under an hour? Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee? Hardly, it's like walking barefoot in slutch, with a broken leg!!

That being said, Seconds Out is still enjoyable and everyone needs to witness that Glaswegian and his idiotic headbutts! An average sports game, that needed to be much quicker, flashier and a lot noisier.

Those who fancy sparring with Marco can find the Super Pack floppies on AtariMania.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Eddie Edward's Super Ski

Thick glasses and a funny face!

So far, my Super Pack adventure has been very strong with some huge titles: Arkanoid II Revenge of Doh, Beyond the Ice Palace, Black Lamp and Buggy Boy. All are searchable right here and all are sweet Atari ST classics. However, there's always an exception and that was Chopper X. But we'll say no more about that! Surely, things are gonna get better?

Well, the sixth game in the Atari Super Pack is Eddie Edward's Super Ski which is basically an "Eddie The Eagle-endorsed" version of Microids' Super Ski. Now, everyone (here in sunny England) admired our lovable sporting icon who was our plucky hero that certainly won over the entire nation's heart. Heck, he even got his name on an Atari ST game which is a gold medal moment in itself. Come on, far more impressive than the Calgary Winter Olympics. Oh yeah!

Hey, before we continue I think we should view a couple of wintery screenshots...

Okay, there's no music but the interface is clear and well-designed.

I like the ability to instantly jump into the action and play any of the games!

Oddly, I had a bit of trouble running this game on my own STe so I switched over to Hatari and configured that to emulate a basic STf (TOS 1.02). Also, (thanks to AtariMania) I had a good laugh reading the box cover which says: Fly like "the Eagle" on the Ski Jump!!

But is it any fun to play?

Super Ski is a 3D skiing simulator where we compete in slaloms, downhill racing and a ski jump. Each event is experienced from a third-person perspective to show Eddie in the thick of the action - which basically means we try our best to help keep him on course using our lightning-fast reactions. Which is harder than it sounds...

The races are fast. And I do mean fast! Choose three tracks that increase in their number of twists and turns for a chaotic experience. Controls are superb - move from side to side to steer through as you zoom down the snowy hills (press the fire button to move quicker). To increase your speed, push up, for an insane boost!

Competition mode supports multiple players using the Booking Office (which is a bit weird) to choose how many and their names. Now you can find out who can jump the best and ski the fastest without incurring too many penalties. You might even become a human snowball... Tell me that ain't the funniest thing you ever expected to see!

Okay, it's time to view some more screenshots so brace yourself for action...

If you can handle it, ride low for faster speeds.

I did and even finished without turning myself into a snowball!!

Oh, how I need the practice...

There is a training mode used to practice each of the four events before taking part in the competition. Using this is something I cannot recommend highly enough, because you will certainly need lots of practice:

The slalom games are fast so require quick reactions to safely navigate each of the progressively difficult tracks. The harder you go, the more winding the path and all whilst trying to hit through the gates. Wow, these races are insane - dare you hit UP to go even faster??

Ski Jump is simple and simply awesome. Sure, it's over within the blink of an eye compared to racing, but it's exciting to see Eddie fly like the eagle he was (ahem). I really enjoyed trying to get the speed and angel just right - now all you've gotta do is try and stop. If you can!

Downhill Racing is very similar to the slaloms and, I suppose, sports fans will hate me for saying that? However, I found it harder because I felt snowblinded due to the lack of colour and visual objects! It's fast, it's furious, it's racing so crouch down if you can handle the exhilerating pace.

This has got to be one of the best moments in gaming? I never expected to be Eddie The Snowball!!


Graphically, I'm impressed by Super Ski which nicely presents an Olympic scene. Everything flows at a frightening pace and possibly too fast for my old eyes that desired less speed and more frames. We even have foolish spectators standing in dangerous places just waiting to be splattered. Actually, it's good that they're there because I'd probably go snowblind in this white world. But I shouldn't complain because this is brilliant for 1988.

Audio is less impressive with the YM2149 trying to make swooshy/sliding noises and penalty alerts. It's fine but could have been far better? Sadly, there are no chiptunes to bop along to, either in the menus or during play.

Looks great but sounds poor? Well, at least these screenshots show the best of the game...

Looks like the fans are enjoying it?

I wonder if I can entertain them as much as the real Eddie... Yup!

The CryptO'pinion?

You know me, sports games aren't really my bag, baby. I enjoy certain motorsports and even a few beat 'em ups, but I admit to being pretty much meh about athletics. Super Ski is fun but I am concerned about its lack of variety and felt we needed "more" to set apart the events - like a bobsleigh or even curling!! Of course, they're not exactly Eddie's chosen events, but this would have added a lot more to the game which feels quite restricted.

However, I will say that this skiing game really impressed me. The controls are perfectly responsive for each frantic event and the feeling of zooming downhill is a thrill - it's almost like a snowy version of Vroom! Also, the training mode is a Godsend to help brush up on your skills before foolishly jumping into a competition. Overall, Super Ski is great, especially when playing against family or friends - and we had a laugh!! And that's good enough for me - highly recommended.

This Eddie version of Super Ski was a tough find... Thankfully, AtariMania has the correct download.

Friday, July 05, 2019

World Championship Boxing Manager

Do not talk about fight club

Okay, outside of stock car racing, I can't say that I'm a big sports fan and Boxing is something that has never appealed to me in the slightest. However, in the interest of keeping things as varied as possible, I'm always looking to try new stuff. So, I downloaded World Championship Boxing Manager by Krisalis which they released in 1991.

Now, I admit to being dubious about anything with "manager" in the name because it usually means boring and just for the uber-geeks. But then I noticed AtariMania had this listed as STe Enhanced which certainly whet my appetite. Well, what can I say, I'm a sucker for anything STe enhanced!! Let's just hope I don't die of boredom. Ha!

Okay, let's take a peep at some screens that push the ST to its limits... ahem...

Here's the place to get things organised and to ensure the care of your fighters. Gripping stuff!

Silly faces you can punch!

We're first greeted by a range of dodgy blokes, who are all after a contract, so pick who you fancy before heading out to the office for a hard day's graft. It's here you can arrange a fight, train, view contracts, and even watch a fighter receive his physio. The actual fights are watched from behind the commentators - who will describe everything that is going on for each round. However, I soon felt the life force drain from me, so hit the fast-forward button!!

I can't say I was converted to the sport, or even hooked on this style of game, but I continued on and headed back to my office to see what other wonders awaited me. It was now that I noticed hands on the right side of the office, but clicking did nothing so I figured it was just part of the background... Well, until I clicked the filing cabinet...

I almost spat my coffee out when I began to watch my assistant walk across the office - for an eye-popping moment in 16-bit sex appeal. Okay, walking in those heels obviously looks tough, but she certainly excelled at handing over my documents!! Come on folks, I'm sure better use of the STe palette could have been made? lol

The car animation is cool as are the opening scenes within the stadium. Very exciting!

The CryptO'pinion?

Boxing Manager isn't a bad game whatsoever and I imagine it will appeal to sports and strategy fans. Sadly, it wasn't something that I personally found particularly entertaining. Except for the girl strutting her stuff and flashing those long legs and boobs. Yep, I can imagine the folk at Goliath Games had themselves a right laugh making this? Brilliant stuff.

Overall, this is strictly one ideally suited for Boxing enthusiasts with lots of spare time on their hands.

Floppy disks can be found using Old Games Finder
or on Mantronix #6 thanks to Stonish.

Sunday, January 21, 2018



HangAbout was released in 1995 by John Hodskinson and is one of the quirkiest games I've played. Ignore what you're seeing above and read on... Three (randomly generated) mountains need to be climbed by a little stickman with the first being relatively easy. The second is harder and the third is a killer!

Each mountainside has ridges to which our adventurer can cling. He uses these to find a route to the top. However, if you fall too far you suffer a messy pixelated death. It's brilliant albeit not what you wanna see! Our stickman can use his arms to reach those parts that are a pinch out of reach. Sometimes, the route appears blocked by a gap too large, so a "megajump" can be used - but only once! Use it wisely.

HangAbout! is one of those games that first appears rubbish (with rubbish graphics). But then turns out to be incredible and extremely addictive. In fact, it's gobsmackingly brilliant, and for less than 10Kb!!

+ Download PD Games Compilation Disk #2 which features another by John called Haywire.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Archer Maclean Pool

Fancy a game of pool & a few beers?

Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker is terrific and technically superb but, it wasn't long before I was falling asleep. Sorry, but that's snooker for you... but shortly afterwards I realised I had never played Archer Maclean's Pool.

Pool is different. It's an exciting, fast-paced pub game and nothing like the dullness of snoozeville snooker. American and English variations of this game are playable with the added option to play through tournaments or to set up trick shots. If you've played Whirlwind then you'll instantly take to this but I doubt any newcomers will struggle with the interface, which is instinctive and easy to grasp. In fact, some might say this is the same snooker game and a rip-off?

Wanna see a screenshot? Well, you can't!! So how about an animation instead? Good, here ya' go...

What a whiz I am at this game! Go on, watch me clear up lol

Pool is illegal without beer! #fact

Well, ignore them and play this using the mouse to alter your viewing angle but don't forget to chalk the cue before setting up the shot with the right amount of power, spin and direction. There is a wide range of computer opponents from the amateur to the godlike, so it's best to practice before taking on the pros. They. Are. Tough!

Graphics are... well... it's a table with balls on it, so there isn't much to drool over, but the framerates are very smooth and prove just what 8MHz can deliver. The 3D engine works well with fantastic first-person-like views when lining up a shot. Let's not forget the game's comical side with taunting balls, evil-eyed fans or the flies on the table!! Sound effects are nice and rather varied with clinks, plops and oddly humorous cue-chalking moments.

What I love about this game is the superb design which feels natural and realistic. After your first shot, you realise how incredibly superior the hidden mathematical calculations are that make the physics appear so believable. There are near-limitless possibilities for each shot you make, which is quite incredible.

Pool might be a serious game but that hasn't stopped the balls from taking the Micky out of you...

You know from the very start this is gonna be good. Then the balls get very rude... Ahem!!

The CryptO'pinion?

Sure, this is a game best experienced with friends in a pub with heavy double-vision but, let's be honest, we're all getting old plus the wife won't be best pleased. So, let's stick to this virtual take on the game which comes in as a close second.

I cannot imagine anyone having anything to complain about because this is superb and one of the best Atari ST games out there. It's fast, entertaining and completely faultless. Absolutely love this virtual pub game so much!!

So, to sum up this beast of a "sports game" I would say this: It's blummin' brilliant and you will love it a bunch!

Waste no more time and get this downloaded for floppy disk from Stonish.
Those with a hard drive device should consider this version by 8BitChip!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Whipper Snapper's Race

Hang on, this ain't Cannon Fodder!

What do you get if you merge together "Horace Goes Skiing" with Cannon Fodder? Easy, it's called Whipper Snapper's Race by Petr Sumbera of New Design using Omikron Basic. The game stars Max - a dude who goes skiing down many vertically scrolling levels in places that look (umm) spookily familiar...

Navigate left/right to pass each obstacle as you ski—but don't bump into anything else; you'll fall flat on your bum! Pushing up will reduce your speed, pulling down will increase it, and firing will perform a leap into the air. Passwords are used to access the "missions" without starting over from the beginning!!

Graphically, I could never complain because it is Cannon Fodder with superb attention to detail. Of course, it's all ripped and unoriginal but I do not care! The funky music is in stereo by Tomas Kucera and I'm sure you will leave it playing for a long while. In-game sound effects are ace but I won't spoil that surprise for you!

Sing with me - Skiing in Cannon Fodder... Never been so much fun....... (sorry!).

Okay, this is an easy one to rate, I'm sure you've guessed already what I think. Well, thanks to the great controls, this is effortless to pick up and play but that doesn't mean it's easy. Later missions are challenging yet always fun. Whipper Snapper's Race is a very silly skiing game and shockingly addictive!!

I've made a floppy for those stuck in 3.5" hell :^)
Download the hard drive-installable game @Demozoo!
Petr's website is still up and running after all these years!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Microprose Golf

Another good walk spoiled?

Microprose Golf is a bit of a show-off if truth be told. It's like the rich and successful younger brother of poor old Leaderboard who is green with envy! Now, I'm hardly a golfing connoisseur, but the developers have done a blinding job and created an involving game with a vast array of mind-boggling features that take it into the realm of a serious sim. But, don't panic, that doesn't make it boring!! Oh no, not at all so read on.

Golf fans will shriek with happiness as several game types are on offer. Each are affected by an array of realistic variables that can alter every aspect and the outcome of your shots. Yes, just like the variables that real golfers have to think about: the type of ground, your stance, weather conditions, and so on. I'm sure experienced golfers will be drooling over the intricate settings long before they even consider teeing off? Heck, even as a novice, I was mightily impressed and blown away in equal measure.

One of the things I loved was seeing each hole before playing it. Just like in this screenshot...

Take a look at the course to get a brilliant perspective of what lies ahead.

Whack that ball!!

All control is made using the mouse, of course. The game's GUI is well-designed and intuitive to drastically reduce any learning curve. So setting up a shot isn't a chore when perfecting control and direction.

Microprose has taken 16-bit golfing to a whole new level by introducing its camera-angled viewpoints. That's right, it's like the camera is mounted to a drone that follows the ball along its airborne path. I sat in utter amazement as I watched my first shot in action. It's a gob-smacking moment!! There is also a selection of other cool camera angles and all benefit smoother framerates on faster computers - like my Mega STe.

Don't run away green with envy! Stop and read some more after this screenshot...

Take the shot and let's see how good you really are. Whoosh... SPLOSH!!! :D


Graphically, this easily stands head and shoulders above anything else I've seen on any 16-bit computer. The artwork is superb throughout and is also nicely detailed with bold colours and designs we've come to admire from Microprose. However, it's the 3D aspect that absolutely blows the competition away. Jaw-dropping.

Sounds are excellent but I do feel more ambient effects would have been nice during the times you're setting up a shot? It would have been good to hear birds chirping, a little breeze, or background crowd chatter?

There's always something isn't there? Never mind, it's time for another cool screenshot...

This is superb how I can get a feel for how my shot might go with a little practice...

The CryptO'pinion?

Microprose has done what they always did and released an Atari ST game that blows your socks off. At every level, it's beautiful and comes with a perfect blend of strategy and arcade to lose yourself in. Whether you're a casual fan or a golfing expert, I'm positive you will love playing what is a superb game.

You can grab the floppies but this is best run from a hard drive/Ultrasatan. Wasabim has recorded a fantastic video and AtariMania has neat scans of the manual.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Leaderboard Birdie

A good walk spoiled?

Well, maybe! But here is Leaderboard Golf which was released in 1986 by Access Software and is undoubtedly one of the least technically impressive games to grace the Atari ST. Let's not be too hasty as this was released all the way back when the ST was just a baby one year old. And the 8-bit computers reign was at its peak.

When loaded, the main menu is rather crude, but functional, and is used to commence a new game. Each game, the course is rendered and played via a third-person perspective - we can see ourselves ready to take each shot. You shall note the golfing jargon on the right and basic information like weather, clubs, distance and a shot meter. These details should help to get that little ball inside the hole as quickly as possible.

The picture I'm painting isn't exactly gleaming, right? I know, I know, but let's view a screenshot...

Select each club carefully and watch out for those high winds!

Slow down and think about it...

With each shot, there is a unique distance to the hole so a different club is always required. Long distances will require a 'wood' and (from what I can gather) they're rated W1-W9 and a 1W will achieve the greatest distances whereas the 9W might produce a more acute shot with less power. The 'irons' feel similar to this golfing noob here at AtariCrypt but you might choose a 9I for a more acute shot when in a troubled rough spot.

Finally, the 'PW' is the pitching wedge and is used for those final moments when accuracy is needed to get that little ball into the hole. What a golfing connoisseur, I am. You shall also note a pole in the ground that is casting a shadow of varying angles and lengths? Use that to help determine the current conditions.

Leaderboard has no save game feature but there are many scorecards inside the box. One of mine (see the picture below) has its pages filled in by the previous owner. I love finding stuff like this!!! I think its great and a piece of ST history is preserved...

I wonder who David is and how much he enjoyed the game?

It's all about whacking a ball really hard?

Leaderboard is a simple but still challenging. It's all about choosing the best club for the shot at hand, of course. Correctly hitting the ball is a balance of lining it up and mastering the power and snap meter. That determines how far you wish your ball to travel and whether it should go straight or curved to the left/right.

Weather will affect the direction and conditions your golfer must face. Plus he also has many of the usual pitfalls to contend with, like the rough, trees, puddles of water and those nasty bunkers. It might be an idea for novice golfers to disable those weather conditions whilst you learn the game's controls and basic mechanics.

Okay, golfing dudes let's take another gander at another amazingly realistic screenshot...

Get that power and snap meter just right for the current shot and weather conditions

Next-Gen visuals!

Visually, I'm sure many will find Leaderboard far too unrealistic and extremely minimalistic compared to certain other ST games. However, Leaderboard has a nostalgia that I love; the way it draws each scene so methodically is superb - bringing back happy memories during a time when it would have impressed everyone.

The sound effects are on par (see what I did there?) with the visuals. They're more than enough for this quiet stroll through the countryside. Spot-fx are used for hitting the ball, selecting the clubs, and hearing the ball drop into the hole. My favourite is the mushy sound as it falls into the water. Lame yet genuinely brilliant!

I tried hard to get a nice screenshot - so appreciate it and take the time to view it properly...

Oh dear, there are lots of pitfalls to avoid on this hole. Can you do it?

The CryptO'pinion?

I think golfing connoisseurs might foolishly turn up their noses at such an old game in favour of something better? I would say stop and think about that. This is one of the most charming and entertaining moments you can experience with an old computer. It's so easy to pick up and play and incredibly addictive.

I hate most sports games and I don't like golf - yet I adore Leaderboard. This is one of the best games - from the earlier years - that you can play for the Atari ST. Truly this looks poor but is superb!! A fantastic game.

Take a swing and download for either floppy or hard disk (HDD is the best for this game)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Zany Golf

It's time for Crazy Golf!!

Zany Golf was developed by Will Harvey of The Immortal and is one of those games I spent much of my college years playing - instead of studying! What a simple yet addictive game which is obviously based on crazy golf. It's excellent solo and better with friends but best of all, you don't need to visit the local park anymore.

Play through several whacky courses to get that ball into the hole and yes, that's my technical explanation! Controls are actioned using the mouse and feel somewhat similar to any snooker or pool game: click/hold on the golf ball for a directional line to appear. Use this to guide the speed/direction of your shot. Interestingly, a level of interaction can be required which might include controlling fans, playing pinball, making a burger jump, and more.

It's quirky, it's silly and it's a little lame... but... Zany Golf is freakingly fantastic so comes highly recommended!!

Download the floppy disk or this cool version for a hard drive.

What? A pinball table!! Zany Golf turns into Insane Golf.

So, you didn't believe me? Now I am hungry!!

Aww, a cute little house for an easy hole-in-one shot. No problem!

Sunday, July 26, 2015


Jumpers For Goalposts

Team is a soccer game released in 1995 by a dedicated company called Impact Software. Specifically developed by Ralph Lovesy on the Atari STe, it makes full use of the enhanced hardware often ignored by commercial companies: extra colours, 50fps hardware scrolling, Blitter and DMA audio. Wow!! O_o

Disclaimer... If I'm brutally honest, I feel unqualified to review Team as I'm not a soccer fan. However, from what I have played, I was impressed. I'm hardly a convert but I enjoyed running around the pitch and having a good kick about! But not knowing the game's technicalities stopped me from progressing further. Interestingly, there is a friendly mode that displays much of the game's styles and playability, like passing, tactics, and tackles. Hmm, sounds like fun?

Well, it is! Surprisingly, I've enjoyed playing this pointless game of runaround. The tactics and strategy elements are limited with little beyond picking your team and conditions to endure - like a muddy pitch or windy weather. But that's good, right? Who would wanna play any kind of Football Manager? Erm, forget I said that!

As an arcade/sports game, it's impressive. I genuinely enjoyed a few games - the control of each player is responsive with accuracy and precision. That means it's quick to move around the pitch and the ball was easy to control - it went where I wanted! Look, if you're a footy fan, then I'm sure you'll love it. I know I did.

It's now, that I usually end my chitter-chatter with some screenshots. How about a video instead...

Remember, I'm not a fan but I have managed to record a little video. Note the overscan!


Check out the two images, below, that display just what Team has hidden up its sleeve? Yep, overscan is used to drastically increase the playable area. Oddly, the footballer's sprites are small but their movements are fast and the screen is fluently moving at a smooth 50fps. But, from what I've seen of most other footy games, this is normal. I suppose it wouldn't work very well if they had giants on the pitch!

The animations are great for the tiny players. The pitch colours are deep and strong and I liked the subtle use of colourful styles in the menus. But, come on, having the gameplay in overscan is simply amazing. Once again, the underrated Atari STe proves itself. Kudos to the skill and commitment of Ralph Lovesy.

Let's see what I mean. Two images below, the first normal and the second overscan enabled...

The left image is captured at the standard resolution of 320x200 whereas gameplay uses overscan!

Plink Plonk Sounds?

Sound effects are good - when you hear them. Perhaps that's the norm in these types of games, but I found the stadiums eerily lacking in atmosphere and ambience. Okay, there are kicking effects and the odd Ref whistle blow but it's pretty lame and a lot more was needed. Like the roar of the crowd being heard frequently. Perhaps I'm wrong but hearing the fans in the background feels like the weakest part of the entire game.

Thankfully, the music is excellent with cheesy MOD tunes throughout the menus. It's tacky but in stereo with the tracker routines developed by a familiar name from the Atari ST demoscene - GRIFF. How cool is that?!!

I couldn't stomach another grassy screenshot so how about another pic of the box art (rear)...

The front cover was... different... and the back of the box isn't much better ;-)

The CryptO'pinion?

Look, I was never gonna be blown away but, I had lots of fun which shocked me seeing as I hate soccer! Whether it's better than Kick Off, Sensible Soccer, or even Speedball, I couldn't say. I will say this, as a hater of a boring sport, Team was seriously entertaining. So take it for a kickabout and try it for yourself?

Hey, if I can enjoy footy then I reckon anyone can so let me know what you think in the comments below.

Download from 8bitchip which is adapted for HDD!
Old Games Finder has access to floppy disks.
Ralph Lovesy, was interviewed in Maggie #16.

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