Monday, August 28, 2017


Wanna see a jaw-dropping Atari ST demo?

The Phantom Demo was released by Amiga/PC crew, Arkham who (for me) seemed to appear on the ST out of nowhere, only to disappear once again. This demo is actually two different party releases from 1993/4 bundled together. They feature super-duper visual effects and fantastic chiptunes by Kane Wood. Can you tell that I enjoyed this a bunch!!

The two videos are incomplete but a good idea of how fantastic it is. This was deliberate as I didn't want to spoil the fun - the demo is best viewed using a real Atari ST computer. If you can, please do!! The download is available on AtariMania with more of Kane's music on Demozoo. Enjoy what is nothing less than blummin' immaculate :)

Hang on, don't go just yet! Check these out...


More random ATARI ST articles from the archives

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