Monday, February 04, 2019

TOS Legends


It's funny the things you find when surfing on the waves of the interweb. Today, I somehow ended up finding TOS Legends by Sébastien Claret. From the moment I booted it up, I was gobsmacked because it's absolutely fantastic and something every Atari ST guy will surely adore? Forgive me jerky recording as it plays smoothly on my old Mac. The downloads for Mac/PC are best or you can play inside a web browser.

Check out these screenshots below and then grab the download from Sébastien's website.

This is what happens when Turrican invades Rick's world!

But that damn boulder still chases lol

Hang on, everything changed! Where have I seen her before? Hmm...


Hey, leave a name so I’m not talking to anonymous:) /|\

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