Monday, December 19, 2022

Cybernoid maps

We're back!

Hello everyone, it's been a while since I last updated my website. For various reasons, I've had little time to play/write, which means putting everything on hold. In fact, 2022 was even the year I almost threw in the towel, but things are getting better, so I'm back and ready for ST action. Hey, wasn't that a magazine?

So, whilst getting back into it, I came up with the notion of mapping. Now, if you've been following AtariCrypt for a while, you shall already know that I'm a sucker for making maps with pen & paper. I guess they are more like rough scribbles in Steve-talk? That is great for me but, I wanted to make something 'better'.

As you have guessed, I have begun my quest with the Hewson blaster, Cybernoid. Ignoring the peculiar slowdown, this is a brilliant shooter and I'm a big fan. The ST game is a remarkable conversion developed by Tony Cooper with challenging gameplay, superb graphics, and audio that lovingly bursts the eardrums with stunning music. Okay, there is the odd killer screen which discourages some gamers - I don't get it, haven't they heard of practice/practice/practice or infinite lives? Guess which method I chose?

Anyhow, here are the essential links and a cool interview I enjoyed reading...

  • The mighty D-Bug have a sumptuous version featuring their excellent presentation style.
  • The man himself (PP) has adapted Cybernoid for hard drive installation.
  • Atari Legend has an excellent review, which is more than my lazy website can offer! :}
  • Eurogamer has an interview with Raffaele Cecco creator of the original game.
    (sadly, I've not been able to source anything similar for Tony Cooper)

So, how did I get on? Well, this new mapping venture has begun strong and I'm proud of myself for completing the first three levels. However, the fourth has one killer screen that I cannot beat. No matter how much I try, it's simply too tricky for my meagre gaming skills. So I'm leaving it be (before I violently damage my already-dodgy joystick in anger). Can't win 'em all but, I'm happy with how this turned out.

Here are the Hi-Res images you're all itching to grab and print out - thx Atari Legend for hosting!!

Merry Christmas and I wish everyone all the beST for 2023. Heck, even the Commodore boys ;)

Level one is shockingly easier than most people think. If I can do it...

Careful timing and furious fire button-bashing are required more than ever for the second level!

Nobody will ever play Cybernoid without infinite lives and the third level demands that so much!!

This part of level 4 is oddly incomplete because I'd overwritten my saved game... :(

I really enjoyed level 4, right up until THAT screen. I never managed to beat it :(

Greetings to our supporters - Loggins, Tweety, Mug UK, Marko Latvanen & Peter Putnik for their friendship whilst AtariCrypt has been off the air - a fantaSTic community!! Thank you :)

Okay, get playing Cybernoid and let me know in the comments if you can beat level 4.


  1. For me its still a tough game, fantastic that you came this far.

    1. I think it's the 5th screen on level one that gets most people. Kill the green thing and then navigate through the barrier part afterwards. That's the hardest screen in the entire level (imho).
      Thanks :)

  2. a bit weird to see Cybernoïd maps with EGA colors (1st 3 levels) ... but well, maps are always welcome ^_^

    1. I see where you're coming from with that. Did you download the high-res images or just view the small thumbnails here? Thx


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