Sunday, May 26, 2024

Black Lamp

Jack The Jester is back!

It's been years since I featured Black Lamp on AtariCrypt. As you all may remember, I said this was one of my favourite Atari ST games. Sure, it's not perfect but it's great fun (albeit with a cheat for extra lives) and features aesthetics to die for. The sprites alone are absolutely superb but the graphics/audio is fantastic throughout. Anyhow, you can easily check out my ancient review by clicking here. Go on, click it!

It's a joy owning a piece of history and, a while back, I got myself a copy of Black Lamp. It's in near-perfect condition so I figured a couple of photos were need to share my warez. Simple as that really.

Atarilegend has all the floppy disk downloads and I highly recommend Zuul #63.
> For those who use faster devices, check out D-Bug or 8BitChip for their awesome reproductions.

I've shared over 40 of my Atari ST games in our Box Art section which you can see listed on the right. Okay, I bet you're dying to see what's inside the box? It's not exactly bursting with goodies like a typical RPG so don't expect too much! Enjoy my photos and I hope you guys (re)play this fantastic platformer immediately.

Let me know in the comments below if you freed Allegoria from those nasty monsters...

Behold, the floppy disk in all its glory! lol

I'm getting a little arty farty with these photographs.

I love how the manual comes with a "map" of Allegorid.

The manual is excellent and right at the centre is a MONSTER GUIDE!

The loading screen is absolutely superb (and I love that it's not a black background!)

Another day, another onslaught of baddies to kill... and we love it!!

ARGHHH, he looks nasty? He is!! Run away from the slayer!!

Turning around might be slow but the firepower isn't. It's fast and furious!!

Oh no, just look at that big boy! The graphics and their movements are gorgeous.


  1. Thanks for "sharing your warez" , for some reason the word warez automatically brings a smile on my face, love this game on both the 8-bit and the 16-bit. Astounishing graphics !

    1. Hey Erik - thanks for taking the time to comment. Really appreciate that :) And yes, warez is an olde term I guess... from the days I bothered with programs on my Mac ;) Now all I need is Tempus Text or Everest and my NetUSbee hehe


Hey, leave a name so I’m not talking to anonymous:) /|\

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