Friday, January 24, 2025


Click Click BOOM!!

One of the latest games for the Atari STe is from Thomas Ilg, a bloke known for his passion and dedication over the past few years. It all began with the marvellous Laserball and has since blossomed with a string of crazy-stupid-silly games!! The latest comes from the same Froggy stable and is a Commodore 64 port of a rather unassuming shooter. Imagine yourself in an arena with a sole objective - massacre everyone!

This game is for 1-4 players, whether human or computer, and uses various control methods - keyboard, joystick, JagPad, and even the option to use the parallel port via the ST4PLAYER adapter. Shotgun offers a selection of gameplay styles, including battle/deathmatch and a treasure hunt (which I absolutely loved). There are also Marathon/Tournament modes and more to take Shotgun beyond its humble 8-bit roots.

Let's reload our shotguns and take a quick break for some sexy screenshots...

Forgetting the treasure chests, I try to shoot my daughter. Dad of the year, eh?
( Atari STe graphics )

There aren't many games I can win these days so I'll take anything I can get!
( Commodore 64 graphics )

Let's Play

Each player competes in a walled arena, similar in design to a Bomberman maze. Players begin in their specific corner of the screen and must rush to find a shotgun. Once armed, the goal is to blast your opponents into smithereens. If you die (and you will) you are respawned, unarmed, at your starting position. And that's pretty much the gist of Shotgun - running around a maze trying to take out your friends & family.

Actually, there’s more to it than meets the eye. This simple format has been expanded in several ways to add more playable and aesthetic content. You aren't restricted to Battles and Deathmatches as you can also run a Marathon of events and compete in Tournaments. There is also a Treasure Hunt which I personally adore. This takes the basic design one stage further by adding shootable chests filled with goodies.

However, for me, it's best when the co-op part is activated in normal games. That feature brings everything together very nicely. Why? Well, it's good to have backup rather than struggling alone. Especially with my reactions! (AI can still be used in the tournaments - see below)

Thomas has created a variety of unique options to alter the play length and includes the Extended C64-smashing features. The computer can take over idle players with impressive AI. They may frantically dash about like headless chickens but their reactions are sharp - I dare you to outmatch a trigger-happy ST!!

The audio is incredible with outstanding music and sound effects; you can swap between them from the menu. The graphics constantly run at 50fps which is jaw-droppingly smooth. Even better (is that possible?), the visuals can be swapped - like we saw in Frogs - for an assortment of styles. I shouldn't say this, but the C64 graphics are my favourite. Sure, they might look clunky with less detail but they suit the vibe perfectly.

Yep, Shotgun has an impressive array of configurability; I love how I can customise the look and feel so easily. Being able to change how an ST game looks is quite unique when you think about it. I dare you to dislike C64 graphics when playing the Treasure Hunt on Arena G (a gorgeous map). Whatever you modify, gather the family around your Atari and enjoy the chaotic panic of killing them. That's great family entertainment!

Okay, enough yapping. Let's take a peep at some more screenshots...

Marathon is the right title because it's certainly a marathon quest.
This game can cause conflict - my daughter stormed off in a huff during this!

No, this wasn't a real Tournament as I just wanted a playtest. Like I've that many friends!
Although it would be nice to play with Daisy Duke... sigh...

Big Tips

  • The AI opponents are annoyingly quick so why not disable that to practice?
  • Afterwards, enable the AI and practice in Battle/Deathmatch modes.
  • Just a thought... if the AI is active, you could (ahem) be a big, fat cheating camper waiting for an enemy to cross your path. Surely not?
  • The AI is good for shoots but less so when navigating a tighter maze. Something to think about?
  • Each shotgun only carries 3 bullets, so don't get caught unarmed!
  • Getting your ass handed to you on a plate - try co-op.
  • Don't double-shoot the chests in Treasure Hunt.
  • Type in "xmas" on the main menu for a Christmas mode with our Shotgun guys in Santa outfits.
  • Don't forget to use the different display modes. I'm a sucker for the C64 and Stony graphics.
  • Gamers can use all of the different ST/STe controllers but those with more friends than me should consider buying the ST4PLAYER adapter. Links below.
  • No friends for the Tournament? Create a name using this format to assist "AI <name>".
  • Great on the ST but even better for the Atari STe 🎧
  • Best played with a friend(s). Or friends you hate and wish to lose quickly!

Words of wisdom? Well, maybe not. Let's take another break for some more screenshots...

Co-op is great and the threat of friendly fire made it feverishly exciting!!
( using the Stony theme )

Probably the hardest map of all to play any game as it's so open.
( using the "Bunker" theme )

The CryptO'pinion

When I first played, I immediately liked Battle/Deathmatch but I could tell there wasn't much longevity, especially solo. However, I thought the Treasure Hunt mode was better by a long shot (no pun). This introduces random treasure chests for points rather than merely playing a form of deathmatch. Better still, are the Marathon and Tournament events because they can use random game modes that spice it up further.

For me, the best is the slick integration of co-op into all but Tournament and Marathon. Having someone to fight alongside is an outstanding feature that won me over big time (this works with the AI if playing alone).

I hope you guys download Shotgun because it's a blast(!). I enjoyed frantically scurrying in a frenzy looking for a weapon and someone to kill. It's an exciting adrenaline rush far beyond my meagre words.

Waste no more time and get this game!

+ Game download for only $4
+ Can I tempt you with the boxed game?
+ Full credits and a demo download

Even more Atari ST games by Thomas

Completing a Tournament/Marathon rewards with extra maps.
Bonus map #1

Note the doorways that can be opened, a simple but nice feature.
Bonus map #2

Of the three bonus maps, this one is my favourite.
Bonus map #3

These are photos of goodies Thomas generously sent me.
This one is going on my Atari ST wall asap!!

Unfortunately, this isn’t the boxed game I had originally hoped for.
This is like a flyer and will also be going on my ST wall.

Thank you Thomas for the ST4PLAYER adapter!!!
Whether they like it or not, my family will enjoy being beaten by me. (gameplay wise lol)


  1. This looks fun! And hello Crypt, long time no see ;-)

    1. Hello stranger! The multiplayer is all on the one ST/STe play Midi Maze with those cables!

  2. I have a null-modem cable. Perhaps that is possible for multiplayer

    1. Not for this game. However, there is the game FROGS that supports MIDI connection over two ATARI ST.

  3. Replies
    1. Grab the family and share the keyboard/joysticks or whatever and enjoy killing them! :D


Hey, leave a name so I’m not talking to anonymous:) /|\

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