Tuesday, January 06, 2015


Erik The Viking!

Erik is a kind and peaceful Viking who happens to keep himself to himself and bothers nobody. Unfortunately, that evil god Loki isn't too pleased about Erik choosing a pacifistic lifestyle over one of pillaging so he casts a spell and turns the world rotten. Erik must now travel to these infested lands and battle all kinds of sadistic evil before he can return home. Wow, the problems computer characters must face on a daily basis... It's just not fair, is it?

Atlantis Software released Erik back in 1992 and it's a vertically scrolling platformer that features dozens of levels spread over four worlds. Of course, each level contains a fair few baddies, cool traps and scary end-of-level bosses. The graphics are cute and cuddly with nice detail and super smooth scrolling with raspy samples for sounds.

Overall, this is a really simple platformer which is entertaining and challenging. Loads of fun!!

Floppy disks can be found over on AtariMania.
Klaz has a fantastic hard disk download!

More random ATARI ST articles from the archives

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