Thursday, March 24, 2016

Master CAD

A Day in the Life

Master CAD is a program by MichTron that I've had gathering dust on my ST shelf for ages. I nabbed it off eBay but have never booted it up. I figured I should rectify that and see what professional software was like in 1987.

After brushing away a thick layer of dust, I opened the box and lifted out a weighty manual. "Time for a good read", I thought. It wasn't long until I almost fell into a coma! Wow, such dull reading and confusing - so I decided to stop and power on the ST. Installation was a stumbling block: it insists on being stored on Drive C, which is doable but means cluttering up my boot partition. The next problem was a lack of examples to work from (and yes, that means stealing).

With little guidance, I continued on the best I could. Don't laugh, but I had foolish plans to make some kind of map of Doom's E1M1. I've no idea why, I just did. However, it was clear that MichTron wrote this manual for the established designer. Not somebody like me. I was now getting to that stage where I wanted to pull out all my hair!!

After many hours, my map looked nothing more than a cluttered mess. In fact, it looked like something a child would have done, embarrassing to say the least. This program tortured me every step of the way. It wasn't fun and I had nothing to show for all the time wasted. Another day of my life gone and I'm wondering what made me do this. Madness!

Wanna see just how badly Master CAD affected me? Scroll down...


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