Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Special Forces (box art)

Update: once you're done here, check out the Special Forces webpage!!

Yeah, it's box art day!

Look what the postman has delivered: Special Forces!! This is the sequel to Airborn Ranger, released in 1992 by gaming gods MicroProse. I've wanted to own this game for a very long time! So I'm extremely excited and eagerly looking forward to getting my teeth into it over the coming nights - I'll try not to ruin the box. Ha, I am sooooo funny!

Special Forces is an incredible action/strategy game and something that I hope to cover in more detail someday. Until then, you can enjoy the photograph of my own copy - but please, ignore the sexy girl and play this excellent game for yourself. Downloads are available for floppy disk and I recommend FOF #109A/#109B. Play via hard disk if you can!

Wanna see more Atari ST games from my own collection? Of course, you do!! [link]

Additional - I have made a YouTube recording of the unboxing which includes lots of yapping by yours truly. It's a thank you for our generous supporters of AtariCrypt. This was fun but I need a camera stand!! (ask for link)

More random ATARI ST articles from the archives

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