Jack The Jester is back!
It's been years since I featured Black Lamp on AtariCrypt. As you all may remember, I said this was one of my favourite Atari ST games. Sure, it's not perfect but it's great fun (albeit with a cheat for extra lives) and features aesthetics to die for. The sprites alone are absolutely superb but the graphics/audio is fantastic throughout. Anyhow, you can easily check out my ancient review by clicking here. Go on, click it!
It's a joy owning a piece of history and, a while back, I got myself a copy of Black Lamp. It's in near-perfect condition so I figured a couple of photos were need to share my warez. Simple as that really.
> Atarilegend has all the floppy disk downloads and I highly recommend Zuul #63.
I've shared over 40 of my Atari ST games in our Box Art section which you can see listed on the right. Okay, I bet you're dying to see what's inside the box? It's not exactly bursting with goodies like a typical RPG so don't expect too much! Enjoy my photos and I hope you guys (re)play this fantastic platformer immediately.
Let me know in the comments below if you freed Allegoria from those nasty monsters...