Tuesday, August 01, 2017


The ultima gauntlet?

I've always had a spark of curiosity for Rogue but also wondered why I should bother with a "roguelike" when I could crawl within the realms of Dungeon Master. Of course, I'm being silly as players crawled long before; spending their lunch breaks in a text-based dungeon looking for the Amulet of Yendor! Epyx released our sexy conversion back in 1986 and it's essentially the same venture through the Dungeons of Doom but we have fantastic graphics to replace the original text (no complaints from me! lol).

The dungeons may look primitive but suit the atmosphere and I love it!! For me, it's the monsters that look the best as these are superbly drawn - I love the Ice Monster the most. And the Zombie looks like he's about to get down and boogie. Pressing the Enter key will zoom out to display and the entire map - viewed full screen. This is probably favourable to the purist using a more traditional oldskool view of the dungeon? Monsters are then represented by letters, ie: B for Bat, R for Rattlesnake, Z for Zombie, etc...

Which visual display style is best for you? Let's take a look at both in these screenshots...

Carefully explore all unique locations and zoom out to see the map...

This is great and allows you to see the entire map.

Let the adventure begin!

From the start, we're introduced to the adventure schematics that allow us to explore in relative safety with only minor baddies to contend with. This is a good learning curve because a novice adventurer (ie, me) appreciates it. However, having said that take a look at my screenshot from a recent game. Wow, quite an incredible gang of nasties, I'm sure you'll agree? But this is also a testament to the game's ability to randomly generate interesting scenarios with each attempt. So, Rogue will always feel different each time you decide to boot it up.

Directional control of our little explorer is done using the ST's keypad which can be used in combo with the mouse. I prefer to use the keyboard for everything. There are other useful functions such as ALT/click to identify objects/creatures. Pressing F1 duplicates your last action with other shortcuts like 0 to rest and '.' to search (repeated searches give the best results). Try it keyboard only and I'm sure you'll agree.

Rogue is an ARPG meant to be enjoyed from the start to death/victory. Once you've been beaten, you are buried and this is permanent. You can save your progress but, coming back to continue is only allowed once (as that file is deleted). Hence, permadeath - it may sound unfair but works well to suit the original.

Hey, do you fancy a couple more Rogue screenshots? What? Really? I knew you did...

There's so much to this old dungeon crawler.

Looks like I'm carrying a lot. Fancy a chomp on my food?

Beware, you're not alone!

The enemies are a wild bunch; from traditional beasts like Snakes, Zombies and Bats to fantasy spooks like Ice Monsters, Hobgoblins and even Emus. Yes, there are emus down there! It's worth noting that not every character is immediately aggressive so it's advisable to try and tiptoe around a Leprechaun, a Nymph or a Centaur. I only wish Trolls and Wraiths had that relaxed temperament as they are mean - how good is your defence?

Fight using swords, axes and more but there are also magical scrolls and potions which perform a variety of uses like illuminating the dungeons, increasing health, weapon strength, and much more. However, not all are good so you may wish to empower yourself with the ability to identify any obscure items you may be carrying. After all, you might mistakingly conjure a demon or leave yourself blind in the darkness.

Like the dungeon, both enemies and objects are randomly generated so you never get to perform the same battle twice or know the location of items. This is one of the many things that makes Rogue special.

Let's put the reading on pause whilst you gander at a couple more screenshots...

Some kind soul has left food and it's not rotten.

Oh no, a Centaur appears and he's not happy!

Tricks and traps

Rogue has many hidden traps. So if something doesn't feel right, remember to search and you might just uncover a hidden passage. Watch out for teleporters that will zap you to another part of the map or maybe even drop you down a level. Gas sends you to sleep and bear traps are dangerous and require a few turns to escape their clutch. Avoid the temptation of a Nymph who might sneak something from your inventory -  and I laughed when battling a Leprechaun as he actually managed to rob me of my gold. O_o

Rogue has aspects which are traditional yet amusing like being caught by cursed clothing which is impossible to remove without using the right spell to counteract it. I travelled for five levels before being able to remove a nasty piece of cursed chainmail. Cursed clothing, who'd have thunk it? Irritating but humorous too.

Finally, remember to look after yourself and watch those stats. Food is sparse down in the dungeons, so collect everything and only stop for a bite when it's absolutely needed. The action is lurking around every corner but a careful adventurer will find tactical exploring to be both enjoyable and rewarding. Think before you act.

Can you tell that I'm enjoying Rogue? This game is hot stuff and it's now screenshot time...

Carefully, I sneak by the old bat (insert mother-in-law joke)

Beware of leprechauns on level 7... $$$


Nobody loads up Rogue to be blown away by dazzling visuals but this is actually better than I imagined. I love how the dungeons look; bright, colourful and quite bare. It looks the business and feels like a graphical upgrade on the original but without ruining it. As I said earlier, the best parts are the sprites and those little iddy-biddy monsters lurking in the dungeon is fantastic. They are updated yet faithful to the theme.

The Sound effects are authentic to the original, ie there aren't any! Well, little beyond the default clicks & dings we're all used to as ST owners, which is perfectly fine and natural to what Rogue is all about. However, I'd have liked an option to turn off the clicks without having to resort to using something like XControl.

I had an idea for my video recording - that's at the top of this page - so scroll back up. I wanted to replace the silence with something eerie using the Atari STe ACCessory: STe Background Audio Player. This plays samples using the DMA coprocessor and works tremendously well without any slowdown. Let me know what you guys think?

We're almost at the end of this gripping review so here are the last screenshots...

Use this view for a bigger image of your dungeon and keep stock of the inventory.

The fun didn't last long ... I only reached level 7. Yikes!

The CryptO'pinion?

As I write, I've reached level 14 which is an outstanding feat for me! However, Rogue has cranked up the difficulty a lot since level 9 and I'm struggling. I'm low on supplies and suffered heavily when fighting a Wraith and a Troll. I need to rest and hope nothing creeps up while I'm vulnerable. Hang on, I've just found a healing potion and a spell to confuse the monsters. There is so much to this fascinating game!!

Yes, Rogue is easy to get into and extremely rewarding. I'm still learning the ropes of this immense dungeon crawler and have only scratched the surface. Rogue thrills and excites this old gamer and I am loving every minute of my tremendous adventure. This is quite possibly one of the best Atari ST games I've played.

That's right, this is an adventurer's masterpiece. Absolutely wonderful and highly recommended!!

Brave adventurers use their hard drives.
Oldskoolers use Automation #79 floppy disk.

Are you struggling with Rogue??
Then view my level maps, which will help!!


  1. Good idea with music in background. But instead of STe Background Audio Player & large sample *.wav there is better solutions like good old BackTrack.ACC plays Protracker module @6,25 or 12KHz - you can change module on demand.

    From newer & better software for STe with playlist:
    +) Ultimate Tracker
    +) MOD-PLAYER 1.0 / Christian Dahl - plays even 8 channels modules - uses ... BliTTer !

    1. Hi Miesiu, you read my mind. I was thinking about making another Rogue video with a MOD tracker. BUT that might not work as it could be too slow. Dunno, not tried yet. But I will.
      I did it with PP's player because it's a sample and therefore takes up 0% CPU on the STe, as you probably know. I'm thinking the lowest 6Khz would work and maybe 12. Hmm something I'll have to playtest. BTW, i already featured some MOD players a while back: https://ataricrypt.blogspot.com/2016/02/players.html

    2. I have read mentioned post - even commented in the past... :-)
      The game Rouge doesn't use a lot of CPU, the only for redrawing GFX. NVDI or any other GFX booster can be enough.

    3. ahhh of course! Apologies about that. I'm deff going to try this. QuickST is already installed but NVDI would be better. But I'll see how it is with just xcontrol (to remove the keyboard clicks lol). Then work from there. Thanks :D

    4. I have triedto remember the name: QuickST. In 80th years I have seen this booster on my friend's computer and I cannot understand what is the idea to speed-up GEM, because eg. windows with files from floppies lost animation of opening/closing windows.

      This animations was fantastic for me. Up to now I am using animated windows on the desktop = KDE/Plasma.

    5. I've had a quick play with Backtrack.Acc and it slowed down Rogue a little. Still playable. But this only made me realise that too many years have passed since I last played it :/ Wow

    6. BackTrack.Acc has problem with several modules - eg from NoiseTracker - the preliminary version of ProTracker. The BackTrack.Acc after loaded modules with 15 samples format crashes desktop and does white screen & delayed reboot.


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