Sunday, August 20, 2017

Top Banana

Get ready...

Top Banana is a vertically scrolling platformer similar to Magic Boy or Rainbow Islands. Ignoring the stupid eco storyline, this has an unusual mix of weirdness but begins with a tripped-out acid-style intro that reminds me of Grotesque and Aciid Burn (Whattaheck). Well, a little, and it's in stereo so worth watching.

The gameplay is simple, we start at the bottom of the screen and leap upwards using the platforms, avoiding the rising water levels. Along the way are nasties but our weapon appears to be "love" as we deliver a fatal kiss of death to anything in our way. So take no prisoners and enjoy killing loving everything!!

Considering this is full of eco-preservation, it contradicts itself by killing animals. Anyhow, you win when you reach the top, then the screen falls and you can collect lots of doughnuts and other items before starting the next stage. Nothing new or mind-blowing but I quite enjoyed this incredibly cr4p platformer!

Before we go any further, let's take a peep at the first screenshot (which is taken from the ST version)

Top Banana played on the Atari ST (the oldest model without a Blitter Chip)


That's right, this is one of the few games taking advantage of both computers, so kudos to Hex for going that extra mile. However, the ST version is rather lacking with an empty feel. Weirdly, the STe is the complete opposite with a crazy, over-the-top display of graphical mess! Still, the STe scrolls using parallax-scrolling even though my eyes bleed and my head hurts... I think I'm going to die if I play for much longer!! lol

Top Banana is incredibly unique. Never have I seen a game with such an abstract style. At first, I hated it because it's cluttered so I would struggle to see the dangers ahead in time. After a few games, I eventually overcame that eye-burst feeling. Well, I must applaud the artists for daring to be different.

The audio isn't worth mentioning when played on the ST but the STe fairs differently. Hex uses the DMA hardware with lots of samples. It's crazy, it's insane, and they will drive you mad. I never expected that the audio would be as absurd as the visuals. Never have I heard a game that was obviously designed to inflict pain.

Okay, you've witnessed the ST (above) so here it is on the Atari STe...

Top Banana on the Atari STe. Eye-bursting visuals albeit with parallel scrolling.

The CryptO'pinion?

Top Banana is unusual and offers a weird challenge. It's like a nightmare version of Rainbow Islands!! Regardless, I've nothing but respect for Hex for supporting both Atari computers. In fact, Atari STe owners should take out health insurance because their ears might burst with the incredibly annoying DMA samples. Mix that in with the visuals - bloated parallax-scrolling that will give you a headache or a brain tumour. Be warned.

I do wonder what Hex was thinking when they made this bizarre game. It's one that I fear people will ignore, which is a shame. Why? Well, I ended up liking it (on the STe) and that scares me!!

The D-Bug boys have a hard drive version and Stonish has two floppy disk options you need to try:
 1)  Fuzion #151 (a one-disk download without the intro)
 2)  Pure Energy #6A and #6B (with the silly intro but it comes on two disks)

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