Monday, February 17, 2020


Another brand new game!!

Sardonic is a brand new (well, for the Atari ST) vertically-scrolling shoot 'em up recently released by José Mário. Yep, it's already out on other (lesser) systems so it's fantastic to see it getting a 16-bit Fuji conversion!! Now, I love getting my grubby mitts on anything new for the Atari ST so let's see what the fuss is about.

This game is basically an old skool-styled shooter and the idea is to blast many aliens, use power-ups, kill the end-of-level boss, and repeat. These aliens are constantly invading the screen in waves using various attack patterns - and from three sides of the screen. Our spaceship can only fire upwards but can move in all directions rather than being limited to just left/right, ala Space Invaders. It works brilliantly too I might add!

Righto, let's quit the reading for a few screenshots...

Each type of alien is unique and the power-ups will help to recover lost lives and much more!

Sardonic is an arcade-style shooter so I loved it from the start.

Hey, check out that funky mothership!

Interestingly, our Atari ST conversion has a few enhancements = extra power-ups, different enemies and new attacking styles. This is pretty cool and even more so when you remember than this is Jose's first Atari release!! Hold onto your hat because he's also implemented support for both ST models making use of the Blitter and the STe's hardware scrolling = ultra-smooth 50fps action!

Boy, is this a tough game? At first, I didn't last long and it took a few more attempts before I came close to reaching the first boss! The action feels familiar but it isn't some cheap clone of Space Invaders, Phoenix or even Galaga, but instead feels more like a game of dodgeball - in space! You can only fire a couple of shots at once and the enemy will come at you using some seriously wacky patterns so be prepared to battle hard.

Blasting five of these blighters into smithereens will result in a random bonus for speed, armour, bombs and so on. This will help newcomers and thus I eventually got into the flow and reached the fourth guardian - which you can see in my video recording. Hint: if I was you, I'd save all those bombs for these bosses!

Wimps need not apply. Hey, come back!!! Here are some more screenshots...

After attacking from all directions, their boss shows up for some gun love!

I hate Stealth ships, they're so tough to destroy.

...and then their Mummy Stealth turned up to the fight!

16-Bit Aesthetics?

Well, no. There's not much to see beyond a black background populated with a few stars, so quite disappointing. The enemy sprites make up for that with nice colours and brisk movement and I'm talking 50fps which is gloriously smooth. Love it, I just wish the background had "more" to it other than a few stars.

The title screen is great with funky chiptune music but it's less impressive afterwards. 
The in-game sound effects are insufficient with the YM chip having only three uses: firing, pickup, and explosions. That is it! I personally think more could have been done to dazzle? Especially, for the Atari STe using DMA samples.

It's hardly another Xenon II in terms of aesthetics but who cares about that...

Can you believe this? I made it to level four WooHoo!!

Until the boss turned up and whooped me...sigh!

So cruel... LOL

The CryptO'pinion?

Sardonic is a good shooter alright. I love how the aliens attack in many different formations and the frequency of power-ups is excellent. It's quite repetitive, but this is a fun arcade blaster and addictive. It's impressive to think that one guy was behind all the development and also supported Atari STe graphical hardware.

A slick shooter and something new that I have really enjoyed. So go and grab Sardonic now!!


  1. AnonymousJuly 31, 2022

    Very good game indeed but it has a new website:


Hey, leave a name so I’m not talking to anonymous:) /|\

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