Friday, September 25, 2020

Ambermoon Music Demo

Let's kick back and enjoy some toons!

I've had this gem on my hard drive for ages and finally got around to recording what is nothing less than a jaw-dropping collection of chiptunes converted by Gunnar Gaubatz aka Big Alec. It was (eventually) released for Sommarhack 2019 by Grazey of Psycho Hacking Force and features several tunes. I've recorded snippets from each track but it's advisable to download this to enjoy it properly. Remember, nothing beats real hardware. Certainly not YouTube!

But what about Amberstar?

Well, Thalion may not have released the ST game but, this got me thinking of its prequel, Amberstar. A game I've never actually played - not ever! I remember seeing it featured in magazines and the graphics looked very nice. So, today, I downloaded the pre-configured HDD version by 8BitChip and had myself a playtest...

Stonish has the floppies but there's three of 'em. Good luck with that disk swapping!

We begin with an overhead view of a graveyard which is a dead interesting place (sorry). This leads onto the City Of Twinlake which flips our view from 2D to 3D, ala Dungeon Master. Now the adventure begins with plenty of places to explore and folk just waiting for a good natter. The first thing that grabbed me was the aesthetics that look and sound brilliant. However, I was unsure by the clunky user interface which initially feels a little cumbersome and messy.

Amberstar is quite difficult to get into from the start, and I'm perplexed that I wasn't able to create my own characters - but that's something to do with a dodgy installation program the Thalion boys made? Tut Tut Tut... Anyhow, the world of Amberstar appears huge so I'm wondering if I should add it to my ever-growing list of Atari ST games to play over a quiet weekend. Yeah, I often say this a lot... sigh... I think we all know how that plan will go. Hmm.

An early CryptO'pinion?

Considering I only played for half an hour, I'm quite taken aback by what appears to be an in-depth RPG. There's so much to initially overcome from the interface and characteristics, as with any new game. Graphically, it's amazing and the storyline is interesting with dread and captivation. Although I'm wondering if I need another life-sucking RPG especially as I still play Temple of Apshai, Rogue and the mighty Shadowlands. Not to mention the obvious ST classic!

Hey, have you played it? Are there any fans out there? What can you share about this Thalion RPG? I'm looking forward to hearing what you guys think because it looks intriguing. Well, for now, it's something for me to ponder over.

Until then, take a gander at these screenshots and try not to drool at the gorgeous pixel art...

Well, that's me heading northward the moment he turns his back!

Who knows who you'll meet under the beautiful skies?

Look at that lovely artwork. Very Ultima and very sexy!

Come on, how you can not love reading stuff like that!

The inventory here will take ME some time to master as I'm fussy like that.

A map. A freaking map!! This isn't cheating as it aids the quality of your adventure.


  1. If you were not prompted to generate your own character that means you didn't get original disk images but ones after character generation was already complete. This game is one of those rare Atari ST games that can install to HDD and so no disk swapping required.

    1. Hi alex sorry i never saw this comment. I've since had a look on ebay for this game... it's probably one I'll never own! ;(


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