Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Floppy Image Runner (IMGRF2X)

Wait, don't damage the ST's case!!

Most Atari ST games are available on a floppy disk that has been converted into an image to be downloaded off the Internet, legit or not. Nothing beats the sound and feel of using a real ST with its disk chugging away. What an authentic way to spend an evening, and there are thousands of games to choose from.

IMGRF2X is a program, developed by Peter Putnik provides a great way to use these images - without the hassle of needing a real floppy disk. It's basically software CosmosEx/Gotek and works with many games: .ST and .MSA. Obviously, the requirements are raised beyond the stock 520ST because you need >2MB RAM. Also, a hard drive or UltraSatan is beneficial for storing the virtual floppies. Which is only obvious, right?

I don't think many Atari ST users are struggling with only 512K RAM these days. Exactly, so read on...

But how is this possible?

It's simple: assign either ST or MSA file types in GEM. Dead easy - just watch my video recording. Now you can double-click on any image from your collection to load Image Runner - this copies it into RAM and reboots. The ST will start up as if it has that disk physically inside its drive - powered by black magic!!

Sadly, GEM cannot assign multiple file types to any single program. To get around this limitation, make a second copy of "IMGRF2X.PRG" and rename it to something similar (don't worry about drive space, this isn't a BIG program). Now you can assign both types of disk images (ST/MSA) to each of these "two" programs. Just double-click any image for instant access to your collection of downloaded floppy images!

Or manually edit the Desktop.Inf file using a text editor like Everest or similar. Easy peasy!

The CryptO'pinion?

I must say Image Runner worked rather well and I enjoyed a good success rate. This program is a Godsend for us without a Gotek or CosmosEx and has certainly allowed me to enjoy Menu disks again! However, please remember that this is software so YMMV. But nobody can deny that this program is genius!!

I shudder at cutting the case to fit a Gotek device so I think many will appreciate this program; the results are often positive. I love it and hope Peter continues working on this to improve compatibility. Okay, there are two downloads on his website for IMGRF2X (which includes an easy-to-use option). Just watch the video!!

Let me know in the comments what you think and what worked for you. Above all, enjoy yourself :)


  1. I have been about to find a few images that work with 1MB and tos 1.02 also. It's good to to have the TOSEC archive of ST and STX images and try multiple versions of each game until you find one that works.


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