Tuesday, July 23, 2019


What might have been...

Myth was a promising game by System 3 Software that was released on several different platforms - except for the Atari ST. We got a playable demo to whet our appetites before they later pulled the plug. The first stage is fully playable but there is no music/sfx. So I added a wonderful chiptune by ActoDi called Friday to spice up the lacking audio.

This is /could have been/ a superb game as it's great fun and has a promising Gods/Black Tiger vibe that I really enjoyed. The graphics are fantastic with smooth scrolling and I enjoyed kicking and stabbing demon filth. Yup, this might have been great so I'm gutted System 3 wimped out on the Atari ST... Wow, the potential was there!!

The download is on Atarimania and there are more unreleased Atari ST games to cry over here - grab a tissue!


  1. Thanx for the credits!

    1. I hope you come back and make more ST tunes. Very talented with a great unique style. Thank YOU. :)

  2. Its a Game that need a second chance, maybe programmed in STOS


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