Sunday, June 30, 2024

Money For Nothing

Money for nothin', chicks for free

I was going through some older video recordings on my channel and found this one by the Glasgow Computer Centre. The Picture And Sound Show is a partial sample sound recording of the legendary song Money For Nothing, Dire Straits. I must admit, I'm curious about how they came up with that title. Yikes!

Your ST requires 1MB RAM and a double-sided drive. Don't scoff, this was 1986 and my family couldn't afford an Atari ST for two more years. Heck, I didn't know the joy of 1MB RAM until around 1990 when I got the SIMS for my STe. Additionally, they released a now obsolete half-meg version for those unwilling to upgrade! ;-)

It's incredible this "demo" was released in 1986, so impressive. I would easily have assumed 1988/89 if I didn't already know. Of course, this isn't the complete song, the ST would need multiple floppies and a bucket load of extra RAM. Look, for 1986, it is jaw-dropping, so leave it playing while you search your CD collection.

BTW, I've made many changes to AtariCrypt and worked hard (trying) to group things better. You will note different sections on the right-hand side of my website. Hey, do you want more demos/etc featured here on AtariCrypt? I hope so; the #demoscne is crammed with quality from many talented people.

This is a timeless song. A rock classic. Let me know in the comments if you want more...


Glasgow Computer Centre
John Ray - Code
Scott - Code

Glasgow Computer Centre -
Download in POV #085 by Persistence Of Vision -


  1. MarakattiJuly 03, 2024

    Wow, that's amazing! I wonder when first digitizers started to arrive for the ST. I think the first digidemo I ever saw on ST was Counterpoint demo.

    1. This is kinda what bamboozled me! I would never have guessed 1986 for this, but here it is. Hey man, thanks for stopping by :D


Hey, leave a name so I’m not talking to anonymous:) /|\

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