Sunday, November 17, 2024

Axel's Magic Hammer

Baby Thor is back!

Hands up who saw this coming? Yeah, I'm getting predictable, right? Well, I was about three or four rooms into this game before I realised two things. One, I was having a blast with what I knew would be a great platformer. Two, I quickly restarted because I knew I needed to map the Atari ST version (what else?)

If you're wondering what I'm going on about, that means you missed my ultra-sexy review! How could you? Well, breathe a sigh of relief - your life isn't a total failure as you can read it by clicking here.

Seriously, this is a belting game, and definitely one you should add to your playlist. I loved the controls and the easy exploration, albeit by a linear design. I know it didn't break the mould but I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game. I can't imagine anyone struggling to get deep into this one. Just take your time and use those block-bashing skills as best you can. They often give access to a different route and hidden areas.

Btw - if you're interested in other ST game maps then take a gander on my new page!

As always, the images here are thumbnails. Click me to download the hi-res versionsEnjoy my maps...

Level one is tremendous fun and plays great at introducing the game mechanics.

Level two and things look a little familiar. This is another great level.

Another great level but it's getting boring hearing this yet again?

This level feels familiar! The tree parts are seriously awkward.

I called this level 'boring' but that's not really right. It's quite tough, however.

I thoroughly enjoyed this level, quite traditional albeit with a couple of nasty rooms!

Looking familiar, yet again. But the gameplay is spot-on!

I wouldn't say it's tougher than the rest, however, those final lava rooms are insane!!!!

Within the end room is a stationary Dragon - who has your girlfriend. Kill it!!


  1. Go Thor :-) The maps makes appetite for more. Something for the STOT.

  2. What about higher resolution ?

    1. Not sure I understand? The download link is above mate :)

    2. The maps are in very low resolution.
      Eg. first map: 720 x 95 px only.

    3. Is there a problem with the download? :/
      I'll have to check that sometime, but I hope it's okay! The download is above fwiw, look for the last line :) "As always, the images here are thumbnails. Click me to download the hi-res versions. Enjoy my maps..."

      That's the download link to the high res versions. The thumbnails on the website are small because Blogger/Google destroys the quality over a certain size. Which is annoying!

    4. I see now the link for zip with high resolution...

    5. Ah lol... Glad you're sorted and I hope you like them, cheers


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