Sunday, December 01, 2024

GEM wallpaper

Beware the volatile!

As many of you know, I rarely play modern games. The closest would be Tales of Maj'Eyal, Serious Sam Fusion, and Diablo 3. However, Steam had a £2 deal so I succumbed and bought Dying Light which has been on my wishlist for years. It's ace and I love its open-world aspect - I can do whatever, whenever I like.

But why am I boring you with such pointless information? Well, I made a wallpaper background for my Atari ST and figured it was rude not to share. Simple as that really. Also, I hope it appeals to fans of the game? And inspires you to develop your own background. Hey, don't forget to share it with me :)

My file download is a bootable ready-to-go disk image (.ST format). Go... Create... Enjoy!!

Credits & Other STuff

DeskPic - Norbert Marschalleck
Imagecopy - Jeremy Hughes
Degas Elite - Tom Hudson
Dying Light - ©Techland

For those interested, this image conversion was easy to do. After reducing the screenshot to ST-happy resolutions, I converted the JPG to PI1 (Degas Elite). This was done using the fantastic Imagecopy. I then configured Deskpic to improve our glorious GEM desktop with its new backgroud - it even looks good in medium res!

You can find more of my (ahem) talented creations right here. I also have a scene page on the wonderful Demozoo (something that never ceases to amaze me).

Okay, let's see some 16-colour images of my ST running Dying Light... ;-)

I'm just out of the Tower and ready to take a running jump...

Zombie attacks and regrets it. I lopped off its head, of course!

The next zombie gets hit and electrified like an old cartoon nasty.

This one could have been better but it shows a zombie that's about to eat lead.

I'm on a roof and a zombie was stupid enough to attack me and my modified blade.

The grappling hook is a tremendous way to zoom about town!

The final gameplay image is in two parts. Check out this zombie guy...

...what a fool. He was no match for me and my trusty fire blade. <insert evil laugh>

And finally, we have the GEM desktop running in medium resolution. Pretty cool imho.
Are any of you ST Nutters also playing Dying Light?


  1. Where is "GREEN" ?
    The only GREEN makes it possible !
    I don't know how to add GFX here so this is link to Tweeter with uploaded corrected desktop with text Dying Light in GREEN:

    1. I saw that, pretty cool conversion! TBH, I often wonder what Atari were thinking with that green. As much as I love the ST, the first thing I do is change that green to something less eye-busting!
      Even in mono ;-)

    2. But #GREEN is like LOGO.
      Can someone explain why the most Users describe trash-bin as Amiga - just similar computer - instead of PC ?

    3. I know, a good "logo" :) But I still change it, usually to a darker green or falcon-like blue ish

      The trash can is Amiga for obvious reasons that are funny. It's just banter and nothing more. Sometimes I call it "DOS"


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