Saturday, March 08, 2025

Invasion of the Mutant Caterpillars

Two Day Challenge

What a brilliant title for a "challenge" set by Atari ST User magazine in 1992. This game was developed by Darren Ithell to showcase the STOS 3D extension and was featured on their April cover disk. It’s a fairly simple game, somewhat reminiscent of Starglider, but with gameplay mechanics similar to Missile Command. The objective is straightforward - huge slabs of polygon caterpillars are hurtling towards the city. There isn't much time before they destroy us so shoot them down before they reach the city's (ahem) many buildings.

The game's framerate is surprisingly good - better than the official Battlezone, I would say. The controls are superb using a joystick, mouse, or cursor keys. Personally, I found that a combination of keyboard and mouse worked best. Optionally, the F1 key toggles between displaying ground terrain and a starlit sky, while the F2 key switches the rather tiny scanner on and off. It’s a handy feature, but why is it so small?

It’s always refreshing to play something different, and I enjoyed this for a few goes. It’s nothing groundbreaking, but considering it was developed in two days, that’s pretty impressive! I don’t know much about STOS, but I’m now tempted to track down more of its 3D games to see if the quality and speed improved over time. A modest shooter that came free with the magazine, it’s great fun and deserves at least a 70% rating.

We begin each level near the "city" that needs our urgent help.

They're coming, use the radar scanner and hunt these caterpillars down!

Taken this screenshot purely for effect. Yes, I let the citizens of the city perish!

I shoot at one Battlezone style!!

A risky distant shot but he's too close not to try.

Credit: Atarimania for the online ST User magazine.

Yep, I even have this cover disk in my collection <geek>!!

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