Sunday, February 23, 2025


3D Tanx

I first played Battlezone at a friend's house on his Atari 2600. As a Speccy guy, I was captivated by its vibrant colours, smooth movements, and gritty sound effects. However, I have to admit (to my disappointment) that the ST conversion has never impressed me. And I hate saying that. The framerate is sluggish, the controls are awkward, and we can't even use the mouse. Making matters worse (for me) everyone else appears to like it. I don't get what they are seeing. Am I missing out on the ST's version of an iconic arcade shooter?

Years later, I watched an excellent video review by Trusteft and he enjoyed it. This came as a shock but it got me thinking - what was he seeing that I wasn’t? I felt I needed to give this ST conversion another try. However, I didn’t merely want to copy the lad, so I booted it up in monochrome instead. Think different, uh?

In light of that shocking decision, let's pause for a couple of screenshots...

I see this broken screen a lot...

Oh no, I know where that is heading!!

Vector wars

Before loading the game, I gave myself a little pep talk - stay open-minded and be prepared to admit I might have been wrong all these years. The game boots up, and I find myself enjoying its iconic title screen. Unfortunately, no matter how many attempts I gave it, my experience was just as terrible as it was years ago. I never reached a point where I felt my initial impressions were proven wrong. The sluggish controls simply don’t work. Since the arcade version uses two sticks, I can’t help but wonder if a combination of keyboard and mouse could have been implemented? Or even a method similar to 3D games like Virus?

The framerate isn’t sufficient for the game’s demands; the Atari ST has demonstrated it can do better in Resolution 101, Starglider, Simulcra, etc. This lack of agility aids the overly difficult action. Hitting tanks is already challenging, but dodging their shots feels nearly impossible! Sure, it’s clear you shouldn’t stand still and need to keep moving, but nothing can compensate for the flaws of this broken game.

This wasn't a review; watch videos by Trusteft and Into The Vertical Blank for in-depth information. I'm only here to be an obnoxious disgruntled gamer. With that in mind, they are both wrong because Battlezone is the suckiest arcade port I've played (ignoring Rolling Thunder). And I'm gutted to write that. I genuinely am.

What a nasty piece of work I am. So let's calm down and check out some more screenshots...

Dammit, my tank is so lame. It's not the driver, honest.

It was now that I reset and booted up Resolution 101.

6502 Power!

Interestingly, Klaz may have the answer for my constant frustration with Battlezone. Apparently, the ST is emulating/translating 6502 code in real-time which absolutely baffles and amazes me equally. Maybe it was quicker to go that route than to invest time and money into making a real 68000 version?

Oddly, I now find myself developing an undeserved respect for this game running like this. The fact that it’s being emulated is impressive, even though it shouldn’t be. Well, you know what I mean. What I wanted was a decent conversion. Hang on, could this be the only commercial Atari ST game that is emulated?

Regardless, I’ll be sticking with the exceptional 2600 conversion. Now then, what a game that is!!

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