What's your favourite Pompey Pirates disk?
Lately, I've been plodding through a wedge of my Pompey Pirates disks. Such excellent cracks made me fondly remember the chat/information/banter within the scrollers. They gave me access to games I would never have been able to afford. Right or wrong, a service was provided. Of course, the excitement of the postman delivering the latest Pompey disk was brilliant. Sigh, I miss those days... hence my noSTalgic website!
I enjoy asking stupidly impossible questions [1] and [2]. So, with that pointlessness in mind, what would you say is their best release? For me, disk #095 is my favourite because it features three belting games - Hunter, Lotus II, and Head Over Heels. In terms of the menu, that's another tough choice. It's probably disk #048 because of Syd B's fantastic War Of The Worlds picture. Not only that but it features a superb Mad Max tune. You gotta read the scroller for a surreal tale that is suspiciously accurate for today's absurd world.
That's what I love about awesome crackers like these, their scrollers are an unsuspecting time machine. Righto, what is your favourite Pompey Pirate disk? While you ponder over that, here are some links...
Exxos has access to the entire Pompey archive - https://exxosforum.co.uk/atari/...Atari Legend - Pompey Pirates disk #048 - https://www.atarilegend.com/PP48...Atari Legend - Pompey Pirates disk #095 - https://www.atarilegend.com/PP95...Demozoo - a page dedicated to Pompey Pirates - https://demozoo.org/groups/2228/Atarimania - Pompey Pirates Mega Muzak Demo - https://www.atarimania.comMatt's archived website - https://www.gingerbeardman.com/archive/pompeypirates/