Saturday, August 26, 2023

The beST Game Ever

There can be only one

I hate silly questions like, "What's your favourite game". That is an impossible question to answer because it doesn't take into consideration the genre or even my mood at that moment. Plus my answer changes daily! However, people still ask me now and then which is understandable but also quite infuriating too. Or am I in a grumpy mood?!!

Possibly, but today I'm actually wondering just what might be my favourite Atari ST game! We have a ginormous library so how can I answer? Well, here goes: I'm ignoring ratings. I'm ignoring genre. I'm ignoring my mood. I'm ignoring everything to make this the most pointless article ever. Wait, it's too easy to pick Dungeon Master, right?

That's the one I cannot choose because it's the game everyone automatically plumps for. Rightly so, but...

Argh, too many!

Anyhow, what about Defender of the Crown? What about Stardust? What about Rogue? Then there is Prince Of Persia, Gauntlet II, Joust, Magic Boy, Borodino, Zero-5, Stunt Car Racer, Speedball, Populous, Golden Axe, Time Bandit, The Secret Of Monkey Island, Death Chase, Rick Dangerous, Hostages, Kult, Resolution 101, Stormlord, Midwinter, Hunter, Legends Of Valour, Carrier Command, Mr Do! Run Run, Captain Blood, North & South, Starglider, Oids, Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters, Turrican, and Out Run. The list goes on and on and on... (I was joking about Out Run!)

So, with my back against the wall and a loaded gun held against my head, the dreaded question is asked. I'm starting to sweat. What game might come out trumps? Well, after great thought (honest) I've made my decision - knowing full well this is a pointless venture that makes no sense. Nobody will read this rubbish so I'm perfectly safe from ridicule.

Okay, I've picked the best Atari ST game. Do you wanna know what it is? Really, are you that bored? Right, scroll on...

. Ohhh the suspense...

The CryptO'pinion?

I've picked Domark's Shadowlands as the best Atari ST game because not only was this ahead of its time but it was created, designed and produced to near-perfection. It offers the player a fascinating, atmospheric and captivating world to enjoy exploring. What, you completely disagree with me? Well, there's a shocker!! Am I really that wrong?

I don't care :p but why not click the above link to read my old review? Hang on, is it okay if I change my mind? lol

Yes, this was silly but, if you had a gun held to your head and I forced you to make the decision - what Atari ST game would you choose? It can be anything except Dungeon Master so let me know in the comments below. STay Atari.

Downloads for: Floppy Disks | Hard Drive

The title screen is superb and nicely animated too, which this screenshot fails to show!

The opening level outside is quite lame but don't enter the dungeon without looking around first...

Once inside, the game perfectly introduces you to the lighting, puzzles, and monsters.

The first baddie is this fella but, don't worry because he's really easy to kill.

Another baddie and some pick-ups too. Hang on, is that a key I see?

Replaying this game again, from scratch, is proving to be fantastic. What an ace RPG it is!!

Make sure you read the manual. There are more than enough helpful hints to get you started.


  1. I remember this, from the magazines, they said it was perfect shadows and light illustration. I seem to remember that this game came out with a sort of twin, a similar game, Hero Quest perhaps?

    1. I think you might mean Shadoworlds mate. Thx for stopping by and ....... :o .......... commenting! lol

    2. Yes I meant Shadoworlds, the sci fi adventure

      So please remove my last comment

    3. Yeeeees yor'e right, dont laugh ;-)

  2. Replies
    1. TBH not one I've played as I'm not a soccer fan. One of the (ever increasing) bucket list though...!

  3. I enjoyed the shameless Mario clone; The Great Giana Sisters! Ive finished this one more times than i have penises. Quite a lot in other words. Also Vroom must be there along with Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge
    and Formula One Grand Prix! (Even better racers than Outrun, buddy :-) )

  4. So when is Best of 2024 coming? Id like to see for instance best of -88 or near there

  5. Wrath Of the Demon and Starflider 2 ! 😁

    1. WotD is so good but could have been even better with a little effort. Starglider 2 is ace. But better than the first?
      At least you didn't say Dungeon Master :D ;)

    2. Vroom. For someone whose favourite genre was racing games, this was jawdropping dream to come true. The same day I saw the review on ST Format I placed my order. And of course I missed the post office deadline by 5 minutes at friday after finishing my summer job day. So I had to wait for the next monday to finally see the game on my Atari's screen. I played the whole night and the next one, and the next one... I never forget that excitement 😀

    3. AtariCryptJune 22, 2024

      @marakatti Mate you have so much cool ST gear AND a Falcon yet hearing stories like this, I'd still say you're one of the unluckiest guys ever! :D Vroom was/is incredible though. I boot it up now and then just to play for a few mins whizzing down the road. I should really play it properly rather than whenever I'm bored or have 5 mins to spare.............. Cheers for popping by mate :)

  6. Championship Manager 93 with the 94 Season update. Me and my mate are up to Season 26 on our current game

    1. Hey Dan! That's a cool choice and not something I'd have considered ... not being a footy fan. Though I can see why you two would spend the hours! Cheers for stopping by - hope you win!!! :D

  7. I liked the games that I could hack the music out of, or write a saved game editor for. I rarely played any game to the end as I got bored easily (too much source material coming through via jiffy bags!). Preferred Phantasie series to Dungeon Master. Brother hogged the machine when he was in his DM zone and no-one got near it :(

    1. AtariCryptJune 22, 2024

      Heeeey Mike!! :D Trust you to not play the actual game but hack it instead. And Jiffy bags!! lol brilliant!!!! I've played Phantasie a ...umm... little bit. First game? Not sure or not. It was great but I rarely get time amongst everything else to start something totally new to me. What do you suggest starting with on the ST? I see there's 3 games so I'm assuming no.1? Cheers bud for stopping by!! :)

  8. My favorite was kick off player manager. Basically the first Footie tole playing / RTS / action game.

    1. Hey Jeff :) Another footy fan I see, that shocks me tbh. Especially as you're from across the pond in Baseball land. Can't say I'm a fan though tbh, it's often agony watching England struggle....
      Cheers for stopping by matey!!


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