Wednesday, December 30, 2015

R-Type Deluxe

R-Type for the Atari STe anyone?

An early beta of the new R-Type Deluxe was released at STNICCC by Stephen Jones, aka Bod. It has been designed to use the STe hardware - Blitter co-processor, hardware scrolling, and DMA effects/music. It plays far better than the original game and the pictures you see here were sent by Stephen.

I have enjoyed playing R-Type Deluxe which has proven the Atari STe to be a formidable computer. The action feels smoother and much better, plus the audio has a great effect by making this feel more arcade-like. This is looking to be an impressive project but please remember this is a Work In Progress. (update).



Update July 24th

This file is already on Atari-Forum but here is my backup of Stephen's R-Type Deluxe source code. I'm keeping it safe until another developer continues the work. <download link>

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