Hello and welcome to another slice of Atari ST history from my own collection and this time it's the Gauntlet shooter, The Chaos Engine by the Bitmap Brothers. For some reason, I didn't buy the game back in the day and I'm unsure why... Ah, I've remembered! I was probably too busy roaming the universe in Elite II to care about anything?
Anyhow, Chaos Engine incorporates a Victorian-era steampunk composition with several unique characters who each have their own traits. Quite often with games like this, I have a favourite character that I stick with throughout but not so with Chaos Engine as I tend to bounce between them all depending on how I feel.
Title: The Chaos Engine
Year Of Release: 1993
Developer: Bitmap Bros/Renegade
Programmers: Mike Montgomery, Steve Cargill
Design: Eric Matthews, Simon Knight
Graphics: Dan Malone
Sounds: Richard Joseph
Music: Farook Joi, Richard Joseph, Haroon Joi
D-Bug has a fantastic version that can run from a hard drive.
If you're wanting the floppy disks then visit Atari Mania.
Personally, I absolutely love this shooter and feel it's one of the best by the Bitmaps. However, I have also found that it's marmite to some who don't like its style, control system, or even the fact it's a ripoff Gauntletier. I find that baffling so why not click here to see what I thought of it a few years ago. (2015 actually - how time flies!!)
How do you gentlemen feel about this marvellous creation by the legendary Bitmap Bros? A great shooter or a cheap Gauntlet ripoff? Let me know in the comments below. Until then, let's check out the box and its contents...
Now that's what I call a decent collection of screenshots rather than the usual one or two!
Here are the floppy disks. Now it's getting really interesting, eh!
The manual is really good. Although I've never read it until I went to take this snap!!
One day, I will post one of these cards...
I love this but, to me, it feels like an afterthought or the original design for the back of the box.
I've always thought that the computerised player two is an incredible feature.
The Bitmaps always went that extra mile. I only wish DMA samples were implemented.
Normally I keep everything safely within the box and in pristine condition. But, not this time...
...I couldn't help myself and the wife was pleased that I was taking over the bedroom. Honest.
Rodney is a cool chap who loves his Atari ST and meeting up with fellow friends. One day, he was happily on his way to the Dullsville copy party until he had his compact disk collection stolen by KFC Gang. No, not the tasty fried chicken place but a mob calling themselves Klepto Foreign Chickens, which is hilarious. So he went back home determined for justice! Grabbing an anti-chicken gun, he headed to their hideout for revenge - and his floppy disks!
In case you're wondering, they are ST compact disks and not CDs. ;-) Think Automation, Replicants, Fuzion, Pompey Pirates, Elite, Dream Weavers and many, many others that you can find over on Atari Legend.
Okay, the plan is to kill the chickens and reclaim his disk collection. But, he's only got a few minutes before the bus drives off leaving him behind - and he doesn't wanna miss the copy party! Yep, this may sound like a lame 90s dream but we must help Rodney get his collection back so he can meet up with his mates and copy lots of ST games and demos.
Yeah, it's like going back in time alright so let's check out the first couple of screenshots...
Chickens everywhere should be scared of Rodney with his anti-chicken gun!
Those look like the unbranded disks we would all order by the 100s back in college :D
Rodney should have locked his disk box!
As you've guessed, this is a platformer in a similar mould to the likes of Magic Pockets and others. Infiltrating the gang's hideout is easy, to begin with. This place is inhabited by the thieving scumbag birds who robbed all our floppies and then foolishly scattered them about their lair. Thankfully, one shot is all it takes to kill them and, if you see your disks, then grab 'em quick. Walk, jump, shoot, collect disks - that's about as complex as it gets.
Interestingly, Padman coded the game in GFA Basic for all 1MB computers. But it's best when run on an Atari STe thanks to the extra colours, DMA sound effects and gorgeous music. And it is just that, gorrrrgeous!
The controls are superb and very responsive: left/right walks and pushing upwards leaps Rodney - with diagonal support. The fire button blasts a puny gun that sends the chickens to a slaughterhouse - I found it best to press once, instead of repeatably bashing the button. Hey, these cluckers make a funny noise when dying which I love!
However, don't dawdle with idle exploration or listening to the chickens die. Remember that bus we need to catch? Yep, there's a timer and it's immensely restricting without any allowance for mistakes. So, if you need to backtrack after missing a ledge, don't bother. It's best to restart because you'll never make up for the lost time.
Once all disks are collected, and the KFC dead, you can head towards the exit and then catch the bus to see all your ST mates at the copy party. This quest is straightforward: locate the disks and kill the KFC gang members along the way. I won't knock that simplicity because this is fun and the map is huge with a superb design.
Okay, it's that time again. Yep, you've guessed it! Let's take a look at a couple more screenshots...
I love how the chickens have those beady eyes and fall off the screen when shot.
This is possibly the hardest part of the game, one slip and you fall into the fire!!
Graphically, this game is great with a murky palette that nicely represents KFC's underground hideout. The sprites are few but humorously bright and perfectly drawn - I love those chickens so much! All animations are excellent and I adore how Rodney's quiff flaps as he walks (a ripped sprite from an unreleased Amiga game is what I heard)
The scrolling is smooth in all directions but a little sluggish and could have been better, especially on the Atari STe. Perhaps I'm being harsh because Padman miraculously used GFA Basic so the results are outstanding in one respect. However, the cynic within asks why the Blitter/hardware scrolling wasn't used for a faster movement.
For the audio, we have excellent sampled sounds used for dying chickens, disk pickups and an 'ugh' as we jump. Okay, it's no Death Chase but what we have, I like. However, it's the music that sets this game apart from the crowd thanks to terrific chiptunes. TAO's in-game music (Atari STe) is absolutely phenomenal. Yes, I said that.
Righto, the last screenshots before I give my much-desired opinion that you all crave so badly...
Liking the subtle stamp Padman placed here. Let's turn that chicken into a curry!!
Can you beat my high score? In fact, this was my first-ever attempt. So beat that! :p
The CryptO'pinion?
I've enjoyed (trying) to help Rodney reclaim his Atari ST disk box but there are a few issues that obviously narked me. For one, there is no indication of the outstanding disks left to collect so I felt blinded, wondering what I'd missed. Plus I wanted a better gun and a LOT more chickens. Worst of all, I hated that time limit with a vengeance.
Nevertheless, I don't want to be overly harsh as this isn't commercial and better than some of the dross we've endured from many companies. Rodney vs KFC is incredibly playable and, although it's doubtful I will ever find all the floppy disks, it keeps dragging me back for that "one more go". I love that addictive aspect of this cool platformer. Play it!!