Sunday, December 01, 2024

GEM wallpaper

Beware the volatile!

As many of you know, I rarely play modern games. The closest would be Tales of Maj'Eyal, Serious Sam Fusion, and Diablo 3. However, Steam had a £2 deal so I succumbed and bought Dying Light which has been on my wishlist for years. It's ace and I love its open-world aspect - I can do whatever, whenever I like.

But why am I boring you with such pointless information? Well, I made a wallpaper background for my Atari ST and figured it was rude not to share. Simple as that really. Also, I hope it appeals to fans of the game? And inspires you to develop your own background. Hey, don't forget to share it with me :)

My file download is a bootable ready-to-go disk image (.ST format). Go... Create... Enjoy!!

Credits & Other STuff

DeskPic - Norbert Marschalleck
Imagecopy - Jeremy Hughes
Degas Elite - Tom Hudson
Dying Light - ©Techland

For those interested, this image conversion was easy to do. After reducing the screenshot to ST-happy resolutions, I converted the JPG to PI1 (Degas Elite). This was done using the fantastic Imagecopy. I then configured Deskpic to improve our glorious GEM desktop with its new backgroud - it even looks good in medium res!

You can find more of my (ahem) talented creations right here. I also have a scene page on the wonderful Demozoo (something that never ceases to amaze me).

Okay, let's see some 16-colour images of my ST running Dying Light... ;-)

I'm just out of the Tower and ready to take a running jump...

Zombie attacks and regrets it. I lopped off its head, of course!

The next zombie gets hit and electrified like an old cartoon nasty.

This one could have been better but it shows a zombie that's about to eat lead.

I'm on a roof and a zombie was stupid enough to attack me and my modified blade.

The grappling hook is a tremendous way to zoom about town!

The final gameplay image is in two parts. Check out this zombie guy...

...what a fool. He was no match for me and my trusty fire blade. <insert evil laugh>

And finally, we have the GEM desktop running in medium resolution. Pretty cool imho.
Are any of you ST Nutters also playing Dying Light?

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Axel's Magic Hammer

Baby Thor is back!

Hands up who saw this coming? Yeah, I'm getting predictable, right? Well, I was about three or four rooms into this game before I realised two things. One, I was having a blast with what I knew would be a great platformer. Two, I quickly restarted because I knew I needed to map the Atari ST version (what else?)

If you're wondering what I'm going on about, that means you missed my ultra-sexy review! How could you? Well, breathe a sigh of relief - your life isn't a total failure as you can read it by clicking here.

Seriously, this is a belting game, and definitely one you should add to your playlist. I loved the controls and the easy exploration, albeit by a linear design. I know it didn't break the mould but I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game. I can't imagine anyone struggling to get deep into this one. Just take your time and use those block-bashing skills as best you can. They often give access to a different route and hidden areas.

Btw - if you're interested in other ST game maps then take a gander on my new page!

As always, the images here are thumbnails. Click me to download the hi-res versionsEnjoy my maps...

Level one is tremendous fun and plays great at introducing the game mechanics.

Level two and things look a little familiar. This is another great level.

Another great level but it's getting boring hearing this yet again?

This level feels familiar! The tree parts are seriously awkward.

I called this level 'boring' but that's not really right. It's quite tough, however.

I thoroughly enjoyed this level, quite traditional albeit with a couple of nasty rooms!

Looking familiar, yet again. But the gameplay is spot-on!

I wouldn't say it's tougher than the rest, however, those final lava rooms are insane!!!!

Within the end room is a stationary Dragon - who has your girlfriend. Kill it!!

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