Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Escape 2042

Fancy playing a slick new game?

Escape 2042 has just been released for the Atari STe by Cedric Bourse (yes, he of Yopaz IceStar). It's an exciting new platformer with great gameplay mechanics, ultra-smooth scrolling, and DMA sound effects. It's something else alright!! The game can 
be downloaded for only a few pounds, which is insane value for money, I'm sure you'll agree. Your purchase will get you both the floppy disk and hard drive versions.

The only requirement is an Atari STe with 1MB of RAM (2MB for HDD installation). Additionally, a boxed release is planned for later in the year for all interested!! (I hope to buy this - sadly, now sold out) :(

The story goes like this: In the year 2042, a socialist government is in power, but nobody had foreseen progressive dictatorship that settled in. The elites of the government hid behind a sham democracy, disconnected from the life the people were leading and acted solely in their own interests.

The regime considered the dissidents as conspiracy theorists, treated them like terrorists and locked them away in highly-secured prisons, to prevent them from telling the people the truth about the manipulating medias accomplice of the government power.

You are Shun, a computer engineer and member of the Truth Defenders coalition.

After a clandestine operation to inform the people, you are locked away in the highly-secured prison Bulor 24. But your knowledge of security systems will enable you to escape.

Your turn now to escape as fast as you can from this place!

Links and Screenshots

The Atari STe looks good, with detailed visuals and ultra-smooth scrolling.

Watch out for those cameras flipping between two points of view. Time those tricky jumps!!


  1. Wow it looks, sounds and runs so nicely ! Really great game ! I would almost buy it :)

    1. Ah yes... you're an STFM man!
      It's brilliant value for money. Orion has released a Christmas cracker here mate.


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