Saturday, November 14, 2015


A brand new GEM game!

Yopaz is a new Sokoban-themed puzzler by Cedric Bourse that stars a happy chap who loves to collect stars. It's a GEM program but don't let that put you off. No sir, this is one slick, very smooth puzzler. Heck, it even features ambient sounds on 4MB Atari STe computers (without, the requirement is only 1MB).

The Sokoban table, viewed from above, represents a part of the universe with the stars we need. In the vast expanse of space, everything follows the rules of physics. Once Yopaz starts moving, he’s locked in that direction until he hits something. So, take your time and think carefully. You’ll need to use the ice blocks to move around and collect all the stars. Some blocks aren’t ice but will teleport you to a different place.

Basically, there is only one rule to constantly follow - think carefully before you move.

There is an advanced mode for those with a sadistic desire to punish their brains on levels that are incideously cunning. This is a brain-killing choice (I'm too scared!!). You have been warned!!

Cedric Bourse, aka Orion_ (not Orion), has a website where you can download a playable demo and he is only asking for $4 to purchase the full game. An incredibly cheap asking price for such a brilliant puzzler.

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