Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Into The Vertical Blank

The boys are back in town

If you love retro gaming, especially using the world's best 16-bit computer, then check this out. Into The Vertical Blank has recently released two new compilation videos that feature a ton of Atari ST games - Photon Storm, Rainbow Islands, Stunt Car Racer, Sideways, Scooby-Doo, Fire And Ice, Oids, James Pond, Bubble Bobble, and lots more.

But hold your horses, there's also a hefty wedge for the overlooked Atari STe!! Stuff like Rock 'n' Roll Clams, Asteroidia, Uridium, Prince of Persia, No Buddies Land and other (Atari STe) upgraded titles.

I have really enjoyed watching both videos because the presentation is fast and fluent; ie, they don't drag on with overly long clips. This means you get to watch many different games within a short time. I also enjoyed the varied range of games too, along with the fact the Atari STe was used whenever possible. Yep, I hope there are more in the pipeline!

Both videos are on YouTube but don't forget to check out their excellent website with ST games, Podcasts and more.

My greetings to Fultonbot and 8bitrocket. Keep up the fantaSTic work lads!!!


  1. Great initiative. The videos don't last too long and moreover the games are relevant. A good overview of the Atari st huge library.

    1. I am working on #3 and #4 right now. After those I will hit genre's and companies and just show the games that didn't suck and ones that I'd play again. Same series though (example) "Atari ST Games by Ocean that Rocked the Machine" =) If I can find any.

    2. Good job. I'm sure you'll find some in the Ocean catalog which deserve to be known once sorted. From memory, RoboCop, batman the movie, ocean beach volley, f29 retaliator, elf and pang. I don't know if they push back the st limit but they're honest games. I look forward to watching what is coming next.

  2. Replies
    1. I never replied!! :( so sorry mate, quite often Blogger doesn't notify me


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