Friday, December 27, 2024

With Asterix in the Dungeons of Doom

Crawling with Asterix

Following the success of RogueCrypt (yes, that’s what I named it and I shall be forever sorry), Mug UK asked me to create a similar image for the Asterix-themed Rogue hack. This version is essentially the same game with graphical modifications. Asterix in the Dungeons of Doom allows us to take on the role of Asterix instead of the Rogue character while keeping most other aspects unchanged. I’m tempted to call this disk AsterixCrypt. Have I hit an all-time low? Yeah, maybe I’m taking this naming convention a bit too far.

Regardless, here are all the links you need for the file download and more...

To tempt you to play, I'll end with screenshots of the Gaulish warrior's adventure...

Asterix isn't used to a dungeon so let's help him beat the monsters and grab the loot!

Shush, the bat is asleep. Quietly get that potion, treasure, and scroll...

Kestral's are mean beasts and this one wasn't alone.

I spent time searching for a hidden door but the exit was hiding under a sleeping bat!

I wanna run and escape but a slime beast is in my way.

Avoiding the Leprechaun as best I can in a darkened room.

Phantoms are strong, a zap from my wand helped a bunch!

I guess the dungeons proved too much for our little warrior?


  1. Game for GEM. But the only in ST-LOW... :-(
    Doesn't work in any other/higher resolution in 16 colors... The same problem like with SIM-CITY.


Hey, leave a name so I’m not talking to anonymous:) /|\

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