Friday, March 22, 2024

Dungeon Adventure

Ransacking another dungeon

I seem to have a peculiar knack for finding obscure ST games unknown to most. Some of which I have already featured here, like Dungeon, Minefield, Mole Mayhem, and Blob Race. It's this silliness that I love about the Atari ST because, no matter how much time passes, this computer amazes me. Which is why I'm typing my drivel nobody reads.

Continuing this tradition, here we have an RPG crawler called Dungeon Adventure. Such an original title, I'm sure you'll agree? It was released in 1988 by John Kinkead of Aces High Software but I couldn't find much information online. So, let's assume we're a plucky adventurer who loves exploring dark places for treasure? Works for me.

Okay, let's check out a couple of random screenshots and remember, this is not a commercial game...

Oh no, a goblin! There is only one option - let's kill him!!

Lights are beginning to dim and I then accidentally triggered a teleporter.

First things first

Create a character using the automated stats roll and name him/her wisely. Or not. There are six races - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Hobbit, or 'other' and each needs to be assigned a class - fighter, mage, ranger, thief, cleric, and healer. Now clothe, arm, and stock your pockets with food and torches before heading out to one of the five dungeons. Each is tricky but can reward careful explorers with treasure, magic, food, and more (the more part is lots of ghoulish battles).

It's now that I should advise a few pointers. One, roll well. Two, don't waste cash on items that you think are the best (weapons or armour). Three, you easily get hungry. Four, it's dark down there and torches burn out very quickly.

Once inside your first dungeon, you shall soon discover that it's filled with many traps and scary monsters at each turn. Use the cursor keys to control our plucky (foolish) adventurer and whenever he encounters a beast, the computer takes over with a new set of options - [A]attack, [C]cast a spell, [R]run away or attempt to [T]talk. Once the battle is over, assuming you're still alive, then you can carry on exploring in fear of what might happen next. Which won't be long!

There are quite a few keys used, similar to Apshai. The save game option is of high importance which, I discovered the hard way (as usual) but there are other keys used to heal, cast spells, eat food and much more:

  • Stats - The 'Y' key displays your man's attributes along with the number of potions, spells, etc.
  • Light - It gets dark in the dungeon real quick so tap the 'U' key to use a torch.
  • Items - When you stumble upon something, the 'G' key gets it and adds it to your inventory.
  • Stairs - I've only found stairs when I've completed a level. Just hit 'K' to climb!
  • Food - When you get hungry just press 'E' to eat from your stock of goodies.
  • Drink - Like with food, pressing the 'D' key drinks those cool potions you've found.
  • Scrolls - Press 'R' to read any scrolls, if applicable.
  • Magic - Spell casters can hit 'C' to cast their spells.
  • Health - Struggling with an injury then his 'H' to heal, if applicable.
  • Saving - Highly recommended to use this feature! The 'S' key saves and 'L' key loads.
  • Others - F1 restarts / F2 returns to the main menu / F3 will exit to the desktop.

Right then, I'm making this sound more complex than it is, so let's break things up with a couple of screenshots...

Sometimes it's best to run away from a fight. If you can that is, as it's not always possible.

This room is so unfair because traps are everywhere - like these falling rocks!

Oi, come back!

Please, ignore the crude visuals because it's never boring exploring a dungeon and this one is particularly easy to get into from the start. Of course, it soon delivers more than enough challenges to test our nerves. Each dungeon is different but also with enough familiarity of what to expect. So it's not long until one of two things happens...

Battles - a confrontation happens often with enemies appearing from out of the darkness without any prior warning. That's right, you won't see any thing approaching from the corner of a room - they simply appear (which is disappointing compared to Rogue). This puts you into battle mode that follows a series of turns and your performance depends on strength along with other attributes like your agility, dexterity, and weaponry.

Traps - triggering a hidden trap is a characteristic of Dungeon Adventure that you will need to endure. Sadly, there is no ability to search for what might possibly be lurking nearby so traps are found only by foolishly walking into them. This system feels unmerited, like you're exploring blindly just waiting for a hit to your HP (and pride!)

Any explorer continues the fight and carries on regardless, so I've heard. Determined players will source many items to help the good fight, be it spells, potions, and much more. Treasure chests are always worth opening and are often located in secret areas that can only be found by uncovering hidden passages. It always pays to investigate everywhere.

However, the dungeon is a dark and dangerous place which means you need a load of torches and picnic food. Torches do not last very long at all so you may wish to stockpile those! Nutrition and health are replenished with the foods you find and eat. Health comes from spellcasting or using the healing function, if applicable to that character.

This is actually a bigger game than you might first assume. I first imagined a poor clone of Rogue, but it plays well and feels designed more for action whilst just happening to look roguelike. Yep, everything feels centred around the battles - which happen constantly. Hey, if you think that you can create a better game then there is an editor to try?

I'm genuinely having a blast playing something new (new to me). Hey, guess what? It is screenshot time...

Hang on, that door appears to lead to a dead end!! Or is there a secret passageway?

Four options are available during any skirmish but I doubt talking will help here?


Compared to similar (albeit commercial) games, this is lame with 8-bit visuals that embarrass the Atari ST. Its design feels cramped with a small gameplay window leaving much of the screen unused. Well, don't be fooled, because those areas are used for statistical information and notifications - triggered traps, poison arrows, falling rocks, etc.

The sprites are usually the best part of rogue games but Dungeon Adventure is lacking somewhat. In fact, many enemies are pretty crude without any detail and look as if I've drawn them! However, I'll contradict myself because it oddly, works well and I have no idea why. My favourite creature is the troll - who looks like he has measles. I love that drawing!

The audio side of things begins well - thanks to a title screen chiptune but, there is little else afterwards. The sound effects are basically a tapping sound during a battle with a "Burr-Burr" when you are victorious. Oh, there's another chiptune when the Grim Reaper shows up! Hey, games like this need no booming sfx so I'll stop moaning.

We're nearly at the end, so do you fancy a couple of screenshots before the gripping conclusion? I hope so...

Hitting the 'Y' key reveals your character's statistics. Along with keys, scrolls, etc.

Why waste time in combat when you can cast a spell? Repel Monster killed this sucka!

The CryptO'pinion?

This isn't a big game, but it feels like a much larger adventurer. This is basically because you cannot walk for more than a dozen steps without something popping up for a fight. Or maybe you've fallen into a hidden trap - as there is no way to search. Plus some are located in tight corridors without a way to avoid them. Also, our adventurer has a ravenous appetite so constantly scoffing. Additionally, he easily burns through his supply of torches that never last long.

So, umm, Dungeon Adventure feels quite unbalanced with some peculiar mechanics. However, we must remember that it isn't commercial, and is quite a decent game in its own right. Each dungeon is varied with an abundance of predictable hazardousness waiting for you. And I loved that aspect a bunch and thoroughly enjoyed playing.

You know, I love finding something new (to me) and whilst Dungeon Adventure is far from perfect, it's certainly enjoyable. Gameplay is tough but, successfully beating the odds and making it to the next level, is most rewarding. However, casual gamers beware as this is probably only for determined and hardened fans of the genre.

Bearing in mind that this is something of a doomed #roguelike wannabe, I'm scoring it a plucky 64%.

Fearless adventurers should download this game from Atarimania. Here are some more glorious screenshots...

Blood Seekers sound cool, but they are actually dead easy to kill!

I guess the whole point of the game is to find the gem & exit? Well, I did that... WooHoo!!

My name is Steve and I'm an... 'other'. Today's world will view that as perfectly normal lol.

The editor is superb. Either create your own or edit the current levels.

This is the game over screen and something we dread seeing. And it's blummin' ugly!

Saturday, March 16, 2024


It's all in the name!

I love trolling through the Atari ST archives looking for anything that might entertain this old man I have become. Not only games but anything - just look at sections of my website like Software or Other STuff Out There.

Well, I've found a program called (wait for it) Steve and, being the owner of such a cool name, I thought it was funny. The name is an acronym for ST EVent Editor which is a multi-function program. It does just about everything we dreamt about back then - Text, Graphics, Database, Desktop Publishing and Computer Aided Instruction.

ST Event Editor was developed in 1989 by Primož Jakopin, a Yugoslavian (wow, that takes me back) whom I had to contact. He still has an active website, which shocked me, but not as much as finding out that the manual is available to download. Wanna know a little more without clicking any of the links down below? Here ya go, mister lazy pants...

"STeve - ST EVent Editor - is a general-purpose software tool that can handle text, pictures, data records, full pages (in DTP mode) and computer-aided-instruction units. It has been designed to get the most out of the ATARI ST range of computers - to be as fast as possible, to save as much space as is feasible and last, but not least, to be easy on the eyes. Processing of Mega-byte files, containing hundreds of pages with text and graphics, makes sense with STEVE. The program comes from Slovenia, a small country in the northwest of Yugoslavia, situated between the Adriatic Sea, the Alps, the Pannonian Plain and the Balkan Peninsula."

STeve seems to be all things to all men but it's surreal to see something like this today. Using the program is complex so take a gander at the online manual - especially because of the keyboard commands. The potential is massive and I can only imagine how this program was utilised back in the day - read "The usage of STEVE" in the interview below.

Let me know if you boot up STeve and what you think of it in the comments below. My greetings to Primož for his time over the months since summer. I certainly enjoyed hearing all about his fascinating stories, ST program and history.

Are you interested to know more about Primož and the ST EVent Editor? Then check out these links:
• AtariCrypt interview with Primoz:
• His website:• Wikipedia:ž_Jakopin
• Other Atari ST software featured here:

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