Thursday, January 15, 2015

Cybernoid - The Fighting Machine

8-Bit conversions suck!

Cybernoid is a shooter developed by a legend - someone who rocked the 8-bit world, Raffaele Cecco. Yep, I was a Spectrum owner and it seemed everyone was crazy about him back then and rightly so. However, the 16-bitters received many dodgy conversions so I was more than a little dubious upon loading Cybernoid.

Our game is by Tony Cooper and is thankfully amazing. Offering the same level of thrills as the original, its gameplay is smooth with comfortable controls that are responsive throughout each of the spruced-up screens. Yes, graphically, this is head and shoulders above the original with eye-popping colours and lovely animations. The sound effects are a joy, accompanied by a fantastic chiptune. I really do mean fantastic!!

However, this is one tough cookie. No, it's an incredibly tough cookie with a few intense screens!! It will take many attempts to master its cruel personality. It's especially annoying when enemies can seem to fire their weapons through solid walls or objects. Stick with it because Cybernoid is awesome and ultra-addictive.

Crack the cunning learning curve and you have a wonderful and challenging shooter!

>>> UPDATE <<<
see the latest posting for Cybernoid which is mapped!

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