Tuesday, May 12, 2015

lotsa stars!

I figured that it was about time I uploaded a video of this demo. I've had it for absolute yonks but I should have uploaded it ages ago. Why? Because it's so impressive and needs to be shared amongst the demoscene fanbase. I mean, come on just, look at the specs: 1265 zillion+ stars, calculated in real-time and at 50fps. Mind-boggling specs on show!!

I would like to see another 16-bit computer try this! So sit back and enjoy the show... 

No More - Music
Phenomenon - Code, Graphics (Logo)
TiNKer - Graphics (Font)
Download from Demozoo.


  1. Posted this a month and eleven days late, dintcha? :D


Hey, leave a name so I’m not talking to anonymous:) /|\

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