Friday, August 07, 2015


Not Batman, it's FATMAN!

Les Adventures de Carlos was released in 1994 by Microids and isn't the best example of an Atari ST platformer. We are in control of a bearded fat man wearing a rather odd costume! This might sound strange, but our best friend appears to be a parrot who shadows and attempts to help us. We have no gun so must use our enormous weight to squish the baddies! You can even use some of that blubber to create a miniature earthquake when falling farther. It's hardly original when you think about it but, whatever works, right?

Aesthetically, Carlos looks and sounds good. The visuals feature stunning colours and beautiful sprites. However, the engine features no scrolling which is odd for a game that requires 4-way scrolling. 
What that means is the gameplay stops while the screen is pushed along. This becomes extremely irritating, especially during a diagonal jump which may require the screen to scroll in two separate directions.

This could have been great, but the end result looks good but plays terribly. In fact, I found it quite agonising because of the constant pauses as the game scrolls in different directions. A game like this needs real scrolling. The Atari ST has a wealth of decent platformers, so we don't need rubbish like this. Stay clear of this!!

I do not recommend Carlos but masochists can grab it on floppy & hard drive.
Level codes: Level 2=BONGO / Level 3=GALET / Level 4=PATAU / Level 5=SIRTA

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