Sunday, September 27, 2015


Behold, the best 16-bit game?

Hunter was developed by Paul Holmes for Activision in 1991 and many consider it one of the first open-world/sandbox 3D productions. Now, that's a pretty big claim when you think about it? It's also relevant to today's younger gamer who might assume there was nothing before the likes of GTA or Battlefield. As if. Bah, kids today...

So the game takes place within a huge three-dimensional world that's filled with danger. However, this is also a game of vehicles and gadgets. Yes, we are essentially a James Bond with various mission objectives (should you decide to play the game properly). All are far-reaching with the key to success being strategic exploration plus interaction and communication with everything. Oh, and common sense won't go amiss before heading out into the wild:

For example, I wouldn't drive off in a jeep without carrying a spare jerrycan! It might be a good idea to find a medkit? It's dangerous out there... Of course, it's a good idea to stock up on extra ammo. And use the maps!

Never will you play a game that offers so many different types of vehicles to drive, pilot, ride, etc...

I knew this was gonna be good and it wasn't long before I was Howling Mad Murdock!!

I start well, but it's going dark and I'm on foot. Then I got rundown!

No rules only fun!

Incredible is the word for Hunter's many options - I love riding a wonky bike or going for a stroll to enjoy the fresh air and watch birds fly. The hippie in you might wanna go for a swim with the fish? Or chase cute rabbits? But why would you do any of this when you can drive an army jeep, steer a speedboat or pilot a helicopter? Heck, you can even hop into a tank and blow stuff up, like somebody's house!! Yes, let's be a psychopath and terrorise the world lol.

I often boot up Hunter 'just' to drive around its fascinating landscapes - what's better than exploring the world and maybe even blowing stuff up? Life can be boring, so create mayhem and have yourself some fun? Actually, it's this freedom that is the best aspect of Hunter - because we are completely free to roam. Go anywhere you choose and do anything.

Hunter is limited only by your imagination. Be heroic. Be ambitious. Be an explorer. Whatever you like!

There's nothing quite like this game - jump into a jeep and be a Mud Muppet for a day?

Armoured cars are every bit as good as they sound. Love these so much!

Polygons and squeaks?

Visually, Hunter's world is fantastic thanks to a concise design by Paul and Christian Roux who have the Atari ST exhibiting fast and fluent visuals. The 3D objects look cool with a vast array of vehicles and buildings. I love the fine detail, which never disappoints, everything from the chequered landscapes to your bike looks and moves great.

Faster computers will benefit a bunch; like my 16Mhz Mega STe that performs brilliantly.

Sonically, we have sampled music on the title screen. Everyone knows I prefer Chip, but I quite enjoyed this tune. In-game sound effects are good with some funky booming effects. Along with hilariously silly ones - like those seagulls!

A lot of love went into Hunter and it shows with stunning aesthetics. So let's see more screenshots...

Forget the objective, I'm going sailing on the open oceans. It's up to you what you wanna do!!

Hangers are always worth checking out. Always.

The CryptO'pinion?

In some respects, this is years ahead of its time, with comparisons made to GTA and Battlefield 1942. It's remarkable exploring this strange place - heading out into the unknown never fails to please so who knows what you might find out there? Tread carefully and leave no stone unturned in this thrilling and dangerous world.

However, even when played properly (yeah I should do that more!) this is an immersive and engrossing experience with taxing missions that require a tactical and explorational approach. The emphasis is always on your freedom and this priority extends into how you choose to complete a mission - there are no linear paths to blindly follow. That, I find utterly exciting and enthralling, to say the least. Yes, they're difficult but never boring and always enjoyable.

An extraordinary adventure and I guarantee it's one of the best 16-bit games you can play. Hunter is epic.

Epic is a strong word. But it's also very true so Hunter earns the accolade of an AtariCrypy SMASH!

Download FLOPPY and HDD.


~~~ Interesting Map Coordinates ~~~

Security pass = 90, 153
Master key = 164, 169
Old man = 181, 197
Second man = 99, 61
Third man (In rock) = 195, 119
Professor = 49, 115
Prisoner = 135, 239
Injured man = 10, 36
Antibiotics and saw = 151, 121
Monk (in tree stump) = 85, 174
Scroll = 91, 173
Disk = 100, 225
Computer = 244, 199
General's bunker = 135, 239
Officer's red uniform = 190, 65

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