Friday, December 06, 2019

Summer Olympiad

A sports game? Me? Sporty? Yeah right...

Who'd have thunk it? Yet another sports game here on the Crypt - a website by the least sporty guy on the planet! (Hang on, I enjoy watching NASCAR. Well, from the comfort of my sofa!). Okay, here we have TyneSoft's 1988 hit Summer Olympiad with five Olympic events to compete in - either solo or with friends.

Firstly, you're probably thinking the same as me? Five events! Yep, 1988 must have been a poor year or maybe the TyneSoft guys got bored? Anyhow, up to six players can compete against each other through a selection of athletic events and they are Skeet Shooting, Diving, Triple Jump, Hurdles and Fencing.

Before any of that malarkey, we should first find a busty girl to light that Olympic flame...

Well, that's how my mind works!!

I love the billboard screen showing each event!!


Skeet Shooting can be controlled using either the joystick or the mouse - but please chose the mouse! The left button launches a clay pigeon(s) and your right button fires one desperate blast into that direction. Quick reactions and accurate movements are required otherwise you begin shooting at the empty sky. And I did that more times than I care to admit. It's quite difficult... ahem!

Wow, my aim is terrible!! Still, it's really good fun trying to shoot the discs.

Diving is really silly yet brilliant. Never have I seen someone fall in slo-mo and from such a massive height! Moving left/right rotates the diver as he falls, whereas up/down tucks him up. A well-timed splosh produces the best scrores, somehow... But I really enjoyed this event. It's great fun!

After falling 50 miles you think the crowd would be more enthusiastic!

Triple Jump is a joystick destroyer so get waggling to make our little athelete run like the clappers. However, that fun soon ends because I think TyneSoft deliberately did everything they could to sabotage any enjoyment thanks to the stupid controls: fire-button alters the controls to change your runner's angle by pushing up/down. It's pretty weird and ruined the event for me.
Waggle Waggle Waggle... Joystick breaks... Thanks, TyneSoft!!

Hurdles was a pleasant surprise because I expected more 2D but we're viewing the event using a third-person perspective. Joystick waggling is still the order of the day with the fire-button used to perform a flawless leap over the hurdles. Well, if you practise because it's quite hard to judge. Personally, I think having a simple shadow at the runner's feet would have helped - and save him from lots of leg bruises... Finally, don't forget to lean forward when crossing the finishing line!

I'd be great at this if the objective was to kick down each and every hurdle!!

Fencing sounded like it was going to be good but controlling my dude felt somewhat disconnected from what I saw on the screen. So was pure luck if I made a hit but then I fell asleep!! Yeah, this is a bit rubbish if I'm honest and I didn't care for it. So definitely the weakest of all five events.

Boring... It's time to whip out a shotgun and blast your opponent!!


The visuals are by Paul Drummond and I must say that I liked what I saw. The sprites are good with acceptable (wooden) animations with smooth scrolling. The 3D Hurdles is impressive so get waggling that joystick. It's all good but oddly, I liked the event's loading screens the most - especially Skeet Shooting!

Chipmusic is by Wally Beben and is superb, especially between each event. Sadly, I only wish I could say the same for the sound effects which fail to show us what the YM2149 is capable of. I'm sure there must have been enough spare clock cycles for a few rough samples? That would have been so much better.

Let's take a look at those loading screens...

This image is my favourite. Brilliantly drawn and I think he looks like Chuck Norris!

Fencing is awesome and I love the palette.

Tripple Jump is weird - that guy looks somewhat deranged!!


There might be only five but each event has something for everyone. However, it's a mixed bag with Skeet Shooting being the best, closely followed by Diving and Hurdles. Sadly, the Tripple Jump is awkward and Fencing is boring. If you are going to feature so few games they need to be fantastic to compensate.

This is a cracking family game we have enjoyed - even if my daughter completely fails to grasp the concept of waggling a joystick! (Kids!). Summer Olympiad is definitely at its best when competing against family/friends otherwise it's all over too soon. Good, but could have been better with more content/events.

Remember to do warm-up stretches before downloading for floppy or hard drive.


  1. Great review and I really like the presentation here with the big graphics and animation. Very nice!


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