Friday, March 05, 2021

Yet Another Atari RAM Test

Do you have a spare couple of hours?

It's been yonks since I posted in our Software sections so here is a utility that is the bee's knees. Yet Another Atari RAM Test, by Christian Zietz, rolls through a number of intense tests that execute algorithms to help diagnose potential problems with our beloved Atari computers. Let's hope it finds nothing!

I won't pretend to understand its wizardry but I love utilities like this. I want my ST healthy so, I've had it running for what feels like a lifetime and it's still not (yet) found any errors. This is excellent news but, I'm thinking that this program could be helpful to anyone experiencing weird anomalies or peculiar crashes?

I enjoy finding programs like this lurking in the ST archives and I hope YAART proves helpful if you're suffering any hardware problems? The download comes ready to support the ST/STe/TT/Falcon but take a moment to read the text file and try to boot cleanly with as much spare RAM as possible (read YAART.TXT)

I hope you guys have healthy Atari computers? Let me know in the comments below. Good luck!!


  1. Useful utility to check the memory health. Stf memory modules are getting more and more difficult to find. Fortunately st computers are sturdy.

    1. I agree. In the end, I got bored after about an hour. Figured my STe was nice and healthy heh


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