Tuesday, August 08, 2023


505's Blubbersongs by Paradox

Every so often, I leave a music disk playing in the background as I work. After all, what's better than living life like it's still the 1990s when the world was a much better place? Yup, nothing beats the groovy music my Atari ST knocks out and I've already got many favourite disks. Oddly, I haven't listened to Blubbersongs in many years which is by Paradox and stuffed with 27 superb tunes by 505. Crank up the volume!

Nils Feske/505 pushes maxYMiser to produce some incredible music, including a selection utilizing the STe DMA hardware, which I really enjoyed. That combination opens up another world of possibilities IMHO. Shockingly, there are no YouTube video recordings, so I made my own—it demonstrates a couple of minutes from each track. Use only to whet your appetite because nothing beats real hardware (best on the Atari STe).


All music by 505
Coding and graphics by Paranoid
Coding by RA
maxYMiser by gwEm
ASCII graphics by Lotek Style
Graphics by Zweckform

Download available on Demozoo

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