Saturday, September 07, 2024

Temptation aka Project "A" by NoExtra


Taking a break from gaming, let's watch a fantastic Atari STe demo by NoExtra released late for STNICCC 2015. This is a striking production with stunning pixels and DMA music by Tomchi, aka Nicolas Flandin. A particularly favourite musician of mine who later left NoExtra and is a member of YM Rockerz.

I have thoroughly enjoyed watching this demo. The 3D floor part is a belter and reminded me of Alpha Waves. The Hall of Fame screen may appear simple but that "cube" moves with an incredible shadowy effect (that's my technical knowledge for ya!!). The sine scroller part is tiny but I've a fetish for these silky movers - it's totally health, believe me. Hey, maybe I should add this demo to my list of Sine Love? <~~ Check that out!

A beautiful production. This is one of the best demos I have ever seen.


Atomus - Code
Hylst - Graphics
Mister A - Graphics
Tomchi - Music
Zorro2 - Code

Check out the mighty Demozoo for the download and tons more Atari ST demoscene STuff you will love. Watch my video but (you know what I'm gonna say) it's best enjoyed using a real Atari STe computer!!

Okay, static screenshots never do a demo justice but let's see a few anyways...


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